- @EdFocus In most cases, the district, if it is an urban district, will get poverty index funding that recoups any loses. #edreform in reply to EdFocus #
- @EdFocus It is why, as Rick Hess pointed out, why Milwaukee public schools has seen its revenues grow even as it has lost students #edreform in reply to EdFocus #
- Or much else RT@mpgroome @ChadRatliff it’s much worse to realize how comfortable we are failing to prepare students to be citizens #edreform #
- Or much else RT @mpgroome @ChadRatliff it’s much worse to realize how comfortable we are failing to prepare students to be citizens #
- Tomorrow at DropoutNation.net, I will discuss desegregation and systemic #edreform Which one must we choose to improve education for kids? #
- Today;s Maxim: RT @iwantwealth: Good Morning! Treat today like New Years Day! Full of hope and abandon! #
- RT @tvanderark: The Race is on in NJ and Andy Smarick is on the job #Edreform #RttT #
- Another Maxim: Don’t let someone else’s unbelief keep you from believing. Don’t let other people talk you out of your dreams. (Olsteen) #
- RT @DCNewsTrender: Venture Philanthropy gives $5.5 million for expansion of KIPP DC charter schools #edreform #KIPP #
- Of course, we’ll here from folks saying “why doesn’t philanthropy poor money into trad. public ed?”, forgetting Gates Foundation’s #edreform #
- $90 million to Memphis City Schools, the Annenberg grants, etc. The latter didn’t work out so well for the donor #edreform #
- That is why much of private philanthropy is aimed towards supporting adjuncts into K-12, full change agents, not bureaucracies. #edreform #
- RT @jasonpbecker: RT @tvanderark must read: 3 thoughts on #edreform from Dropout Nation https://dropoutnation.net/fu2 #
- @POWERORGmath You’re welcome! in reply to POWERORGmath #
- @POWERORGmath And thank you for all that you are doing! in reply to POWERORGmath #
- At Eduspiel, Snead looks at the impact of #RttT and #SIG on Detroit and #DPS #edreform #turnaroundschools #
- A Third Maxim: RT @POWERORGmath: Today is the dawning of a New Day & New Way! #
- At Dropout Nation: Watch Gloria Romero talk about the importance of #edreform in Calif. for stemming #dropouts https://dropoutnation.net/b5e #
- RT @iwantwealth: Can’t throw money at a piss poor system and expect it to yield excellence. Private or public. Fails everytime. #edreform #
- At Dropout Nation: Why Desegregation Must Be Secondary to Systemic Reform https://dropoutnation.net/r9t #edreform #CivilRights #BlackEd #
- RT @iwantwealth: @dropoutnation We have to stop romanticizing our current public ed system and futile past #edreform efforts. #
- RT @iwantwealth: @dropoutnation We have to stop romanticizing our current public ed system and futile past #edreform efforts. #BlackEd #
- RT @iwantwealth: America’s corporal identity is so tied to this current ed model that she… refuse to admit…it failed. #edreform #BlackEd #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Five Questions Every Parent Should Ask https://dropoutnation.net/qpa #edreform #FamilyEngagement #ParentPower #
- RT @openworld: Drawing line between informals, criminals: Searls & Fukayama reframe [#immigration], other key issues http://twurl.nl/u3lwme #
- Amazing RT @iwantwealth: take premium raw materials>work on them for 12 yrs>spend tons of money> end up w/unmarketable goods? #edreform #
- @iwantwealth Unfortunately, our education was designed to perfectly produce good citizens, not thoughtful, knowledgeable people #edreform in reply to iwantwealth #
- @iwantwealth This was acceptable in the old industrial economy. But today, nearly every middle class job is a knowledge-based one #edreform in reply to iwantwealth #
- @iwantwealth Yet a lot of folks in status quo haven’t gotten their minds around it. They’re thinking about their own time, youth #edreform in reply to iwantwealth #
- Mead and Kingsland discuss the next phase of charter schools in New Orleans #edreform #PaulVallas (Via @coopmike48) #
- Speaking of which: RiShawn Biddle’s Latest Column RT @AmSpec: Employment School #edeform #unemployment #edpolicy #
- @iwantwealth I wouldn’t say good. But in 1950, you could be a dropout and still earn middle class wages. Factory jobs paid quite #edreform in reply to iwantwealth #
- @iwantwealth well then. The quality of education was never good. But it was acceptable then. It isn’t now. Many don’t realize it #edreform in reply to iwantwealth #
- @iwantwealth It’s amazing. At a presentation I did five years ago, a senior fellow at a think tank actually stated to me that #edreform in reply to iwantwealth #
- @iwantwealth Because his grandfather did well w/o a diploma and his dad did well w/just that, everyone can do so today #edreform in reply to iwantwealth #
- @iwantwealth I’ve heard similar statements from other supposedly smart people w/advanced degrees (Charles Murray, for instance) #edreform in reply to iwantwealth #
- @iwantwealth Intelligence doesn’t equal common sense and vice versa #edreform in reply to iwantwealth #
- RT @iwantwealth: @dropoutnation knowledge based + adaptable + culturally diverse(global) = min requirements #edreform #
- RT @iwantwealth: what’s worse is they don’t realized it didn’t even work for them (re:status quo)…they’re broke, fat, unhappy! #edreform #
- RT @iwantwealth: Our kids can’t read, can’t do math, can’t solve problems. Have no original thoughts! #edreform #
- RT @iwantwealth This country has self-medicated with large doses of sat. fat, reality TV, social media. But the truth remains! #edreform #
- RT @linkstoliteracy: RT @everybodywins: News from Links to #Literacy and Giveaway! – http://eepurl.com/FG-N #
- RT @DarlaBunting: Good morning friends, family, and ed advocates! Today’s my first day at DC Scholars: Stanton Elementary #DCPS #edreform #
- Why teachers must become entrepreneurial RT @CharterInsights: The importance of being earnest w/charter school budgets #
- RT @lkcrouch: RT @jeneps: Some clarity from James Kvaal on ED’s intended meaning of gainful employment (cont) http://tl.gd/2sn6in #highered #
- Another Maxim: RT @ClaytonMuhammad: Whatever it is that you choose to be, just make sure that you are not ABC! …. AVERAGE, BASIC, or COMMON! #
- Fine piece RT @Eduflack: Testing throwdown in NYC http://blog.eduflack.com/2010/08/02/testing-throwdown-in-nyc.aspx #edreform @DianeRavitch #
- @TeacherReality How many kids have landed in prison, poverty because of poor teaching, awful curricula, biases of teachers? #edreform in reply to TeacherReality #
- @TeacherReality Likely, at 1.3 million a year, a lot more people. in reply to TeacherReality #
- Off-edu RT @amyalkon: The World Is Not Your Toilet #
- Like a good hedge funder RT @ChadRatliff: Thinking like a hedge funder: Tilson’s July shareholder letter/presentation http://scr.bi/aPhYpl #
- Off-edu Neither one. RT @amyalkon: I’m Neither, Which Are You? Which party, D or R, represents you? Is there one? #
- Off-edu RT @amyalkon: Paternity Fraud Pays Off #
- Of-edu RT @PeaceCorps: Explore markets around the world with Volunteers in our latest Flickr set #farmersmarket #
- Another #headshaker from @DianeRavitch on #edreform Feel free to read or toss into the fire http://huff.to/bjHj6p #
- At Dropout Nation: Why Desegregation Must Be Secondary to Systemic Reform https://dropoutnation.net/r9t #edreform #BlackEd #GaryOrfield #
- RT @coopmike48: Professor Pallas’s Inept, Irresponsible Attack on DCPS :: Frederick M. Hess #edu #education: http://wp.me/pXov6-YP #
- @TeacherReality Laggard, poor-performing teachers are part of the problem. A major part. Plain and simple. #edreform in reply to TeacherReality #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Five Questions Every Parent Should Ask https://dropoutnation.net/qpa #edreform #ParentPower #
- RT @chadsansing: @dropoutnation on priorities in systemic reform, deseg ; me: is college prep right floor? PBL? service? #
- RT @getschooled There’s group of edu people who believe nothing about schools needs to change (@educationweek) http://ow.ly/2jQxH #edreform #
- #NEA rallying supporters to push for #edujobs cloture vote at 5:30 pm today. More from Antonucci http://bit.ly/9g3UNm #edreform #
- RT @CityConnects Newark #edreform for 7 low-perf schools in high-crime areas will address barriers to learning http://ow.ly/2jSRJ #edreform #
- For those looking out there: Ga Dept. of Ed. hiring a Fiscal Analyst/Auditor looking at Charter Schools at http://bit.ly/bxXq0L #
- In D.C., Academy of Hope is looking for Lead Instructor to work with adult learners. Learn more by e-mailing jobs@aohdc.org/go to aohdc.org #
- Uncommon Schools is looking for MS teacher, other positions in Newark, Bklyn, Rochester and Troy. Visit uncommonschools.org for info #
- Fremont High School in LAUSD may have positions open. If you can navigate the cumbersome Website, visit http://bit.ly/a9dTkw #
- By the way, the lack of well-advertised positions is probably a main reason why LAUSD struggles to find teachers. Bad HCM. #edreform #
- This applies to most school districts. #edreform #
- In D.C., Critical Exposure seeks a Development and Communications Manager. More info here: http://bit.ly/aYO9am #
- RT @iwantwealth: @dropoutnation now this is funny! I’d redo the website and bring it on the interview. How’s that for a “you’re hired” #
- @iwantwealth That would be funny. And you might actually get the job too. in reply to iwantwealth #
- RT @matthewktabor: “The Education Community Can’t Read or Research” http://twurl.nl/r74jpu #edreform #edchat #edpolicy #
- A.K.A. Hoaxed RT @matthewktabor: “The Education Community Can’t Read or Research” http://twurl.nl/r74jpu #edreform #edchat #edpolicy #
- RT @lindseyburke03 @loridrummer: Matt Ladner’s interview with the local NPR affiliate on Fla. K-12 model: http://bit.ly/9izfTN #edreform #
- True RT @iwantwealth: Some people look for employment. Some people create opportunities. #
- RT @margot_lester: @stevepeha brokers a fragile peace in The Reading Wars – #edreform #teaching #
- RT @PreventDropout: “A great teacher in a dysfunctional school….isn’t going to affect the change we need.” Joanne Weiss http://ow.ly/2jOz1 #
- At Dropout Nation: Why Desegregation Must Be Secondary to Systemic Reform https://dropoutnation.net/r9t #edreform #BlackEd #NAACP #
- True RT @matthewktabor: It’s vital that folks in education do the simple things – namely, their homework. #edchat #edpolicy #edreform #
- @matthewktabor I barely remember the fake A&E thing. Probably because I didn’t tweet it. in reply to matthewktabor #
- RT @JoanneLeeJacobs: New blog post: ‘Classroom Intervention’ is a hoax http://bit.ly/bYL6gV @matthewktabor #
- RT @iwantwealth: @dropoutnation This is how I’ve gotten most of my jobs/school. Gone out, put something 2gether, (cont) http://tl.gd/2suk8e #
- Your name isn’t your own, Part 7: RT @DorothyAtForbes: New Forbes platform rolling out this week so I’ve changed (cont) http://tl.gd/2sukik #
- RT @ChadRatliff: Wake (Raleigh), NC school system’s share drops. Home, charter, private schools gain ground http://bit.ly/9iUt2h #edreform #
- RT @John_Bailey @RPCAmanda #edujobs bill that would’ve increased the deficit by $5 billion tabled in the Senate by a vote of 95-0 #edreform #
- RT @coopmike48: Colorado signs on to common standards | EdNewsColorado: http://bit.ly/9mDNxE #CCSSI #CommonCore #edreform #
- RT @janarausch (@educationweek) CA 34th to adopt #commoncore #CCSSI state board votes unanimously in favor http://bit.ly/alaboY #edreform #
- Dear Parents: This includes single parents, two-parent homes, grandparents, all of you. #
- You need to be thoughtful about who you bring into the lives of your children. This includes the people you bring into your own life. #
- Because what your children see in your life, they will certainly become. #
- If you bring abusive men into your life, men who use you like a rag, beat you down physically and emotionally… #
- your son will think that the role of men is to be abusive. And your daughters will think they are supposed to take abuse. #
- This goes for single fathers too in their own relationships. This goes also for married couples who associate with trifling people. #
- Don’t ever think your kids aren’t watching. They may not know — or understand. But they will be watching. And acting on what they see. #
- RT @EdEquality @prichardcom: 34 and counting: EdWeek’s Gewertz reports (and beautifully maps) Common Core http://bit.ly/9uKXAS #edreform #
- How nice. RT @Educators4Fenty: If you’re educator who wants progress in DC schools to continue: http://tiny.cc/ot89s #edreform #Fenty #Rhee #
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