- RT @gwynn50: This Is Dropout Nation: This Week’s Quotes – https://dropoutnation.net/e31 #edreform #
- RT @stevepeha: Brokering a fragile peace in The Reading Wars https://dropoutnation.net/8nc #reading #literacy #education #
- RT @camsavage: 8: Never taker “no” for an answer from someone who can’t give you a “yes”. #
- At Dropout Nation: Three Thoughts on Education This Week https://dropoutnation.net/fu2 #NCTQ #AACTE #CivilRights #edreform #DaveBing #
- RT @edReformer: RiShawn Biddle and the Dropout Nation Defined #naacp #edreform #charters #
- In Virginia, once again, the status quo against #edreform rears its ugly head, this time over charter schools #
- Virginia is hardly one of the strongest public school systems in the nation. See my report: https://dropoutnation.net/qs2 #edreform #
- @ChadRatliff It will be. It’s an example of the lack of strong school reform culture in the state. Shameful. Chambers of commerce… in reply to ChadRatliff #
- @ChadRatliff the Times-Dispatch and the full state board of ed should not accept this idea that Virginia is Lake Woebegone. It isn’t. in reply to ChadRatliff #
- As I noted yesterday, parents have power. They no longer have to tolerate the status quo on #education in their communities. #edreform #
- The key to that power starts in asking the right questions. Knowing what to ask will help parents figure out what to do. #edreform #
- It may mean, as in Calif. and Conn., you rally parents to use parent trigger laws to foster a full restructuring of your schools #edreform #
- Or it may mean finding the right classes and programs for your child to get on the college track, into #highered #edreform #
- Today at Dropout Nation, we offer parents a start with five key questions #edreform #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Five Questions Every Parent Should Ask https://dropoutnation.net/qpa #edreform #ParentPower #BlackEd #
- RT @mpgroome What would happen if every parent walked into a school with a list entitled “signs that this school will give you kid good edu” #
- RT @mpgroome: Our science one included lab facilities, certified science teachers, sinks, use of math across the curriculum #
- Today’s Maxim: RT @ClaytonMuhammad: RT @mathien: Be a man of your word, or shut up. #
- RT @mpgroome: RT @dropoutnation The Dropout Nation Podcast: Five Questions Every Parent Should Ask https://dropoutnation.net/qpa #edreform #
- Off-edu: RT @policydiary @newsweek Will Rape Kit Testing Laws Help Clear Cases? – Newsweek #
- @ClaytonMuhammad You’re welcome. And thank you for what you are doing for our sons! in reply to ClaytonMuhammad #
- RT @ClaytonMuhammad @akilbello: Imagine if cities recruited all star politicians and educators the way they recruit athletes… #
- RT @mpgroome: Signs that a middle school is serious about science: certified science teachers and sinks in sci classrooms #
- Off-ed Why U.S. is better than rest of world (for now): UAE bans BlackBerry service b/c co won’t let it spy on citizens #
- In Philly, fmr. Democrat gubernatorial candidate Williams blasts #NAACP #edreform #SchoolChoice #ParentPower #
- RT @mpgroome: Things I look for in great sci teachers: kids tinkering on their own #
- RT @mpgroome: Things I look for in great sci teachers: kids tinkering on their own #edreform #
- @mpgroome Yup. Between cleaning, cooking, and clearing 300 photos off my BlackBerry. in reply to mpgroome #
- @mpgroome And thanks for the RTs in reply to mpgroome #
- NYT ed board on battle over #RttT #edreform/#ESEA/#NoChild reauth http://nyti.ms/b93D6M On #NAACP aspect https://dropoutnation.net/fu2 #
- RT @mathewi: almost every day I @ message a total strange; sometimes they respond, sometimes not. I find myself doing it more in real life.. #
- Off-edu: What we all should drink after age 70 #sittingbackandrelax http://tweetphoto.com/36248478 #
- Off-edu: RT @urbanophile: NYT: Is Italy Too Italian? – http://is.gd/dWKpy – Italy Chooses Tradition Over Growth #
- RT @mathewi: RT @craignewmark: “The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity.”- Dorothy Parker #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Five Questions Every Parent Should Ask https://dropoutnation.net/qpa #edreform #ParentPower #ParentalEngagement #
- Des Moines Register’s editorial page editor takes #NEA affiliate to task on #edreform and #TQReform #RttT #
- Jay Greene takes apart #NEA affiliate’s anti-#edreform ad (as does Bill Maher) #
- Off-edu: Now this is what I call brunch! http://tweetphoto.com/36261235 #
- @bcrosby Many of those same “educators” are the reason (along w/superintendents, school boards, ed schools) why we have a dropout crisis. in reply to bcrosby #
- @bcrosby Listening sounds good until one realizes that the other side may be on the wrong side of improving education for all children. in reply to bcrosby #
- RT @ChitownStu name one other profession, not trade, that has unions instead of an association? Teachers need to do better period. #Edreform #
- RT @ChitownStu: unions, teacher education programs, and veterans/administrators unwilling or able to let go of status quo. #Edreform #
- @mpgroome Definitely crepes with peaches, a flounder covered in olive tapenade (with avocados for garnish). But apple juice this time around in reply to mpgroome #
- @mpgroome My doctor would kill me #ThePriceofGenetics #DamnCrestor #HighCholesterolIsNoOnesFriend in reply to mpgroome #
- RT @getschooled: US is 24th internationally in math scores, and spends $10k per student a year. http://ow.ly/2j6SA #edreform #
- RT @RabinNickens: Traveling In Color: Finding #Diversity & Opening Minds on a Paris Vacation w/ Kids http://ow.ly/2iFX5 #blacked #
- RT @mpgroome: RT @scicurious: RT @aetiology: Oooooo: Royal Society has new History of Science blog: #
- RT @EdEquality RT @arotherham P. Herdman @rodelde with a fish while RiShawn Biddle @dropoutnation ferrets out fishy. At #
- Whenever someone tells you that a charter school will lead to lost funding to the school, remind them of this #edreform #
- School funding is based not on current attendance, but last year’s attendance, on 40, 80 and 120 day counts. #edreform #
- In short, the school or district hasn’t lost anything to a new charter because the funding is based on last year’s enrollment. #edreform #
- Additionally, many urban districts get extra funding just to account for poverty (a poverty index of sorts)… #edreform #
- So, in essence, the charter school doesn’t take any money from the district. The districtg doesn’t lose any money. #edreform #
- All in all, those opposing charter schools on those grounds are full of it. Call them on it. Call them hard. Call them quick. #edreform #
- Off-edu: Interesting battle in St. Louis as the mayor-backed candidate for state sen. goes up against union-backed foe #
- RT @RabinNickens: My life/world view so enriched by study abroad: International Fellowships and Scholarships #blacked #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Five Questions Every Parent Should Ask https://dropoutnation.net/qpa #edreform #ParentPower #BlackEd #
- This is how an ed board should challenge state leaders to embrace #edreform (from the Post Crescent in Wisc) http://bit.ly/cqONym #
- When was the last time the Richmond Times-Dispatch’s editorial board (or that of the Daily Progress) had anything to say on #edreform #
- Chad Alderman basically tells @DianeRavitch and others that their assessment of NYC’s reform legacy is a bit skewed http://bit.ly/9WPRmG #
- Chad Alderman basically tells @DianeRavitch and others that their assessment of NYC’s #edreform legacy is a bit skewed http://bit.ly/9WPRmG #
- Goes for men too RT @DarlaBunting Very true ladies RT@dosomething Volunteering is a nice way to meet awesome guys who care about the world. #
- RT @ChitownStu: there are 1000s who know inept, clock watching, countdown to retirement, no technology using, bad ped…. #Edreform #
- @bcrosby A small part of the reason? Apparently you haven’t gotten memo: If what happens in classrooms don’t change, then ed won’t change in reply to bcrosby #
- @bcrosby In short, poor-performing, laggard, uncaring teachers are part of the problem. A major part of the problem. It can’t be understated in reply to bcrosby #
- @bcrosby But guess what? So are administrators who tolerate these teachers, state legs who support laws that protect them, #NEA #AFT in reply to bcrosby #
- @bcrosby I leave no one out of this. You have to focus on the problem — the system. This means focusing on those who operate it. in reply to bcrosby #
- @bcrosby And poor-performing teachers, their unions and their enablers are major pieces of this problem. in reply to bcrosby #
- @bcrosby Those enablers include high-performing teachers who do nothing. in reply to bcrosby #
- @bcrosby Sir, I’ve spent enough time on this issue to tell you it isn’t talking points. It’s called reality. If you disagree, so be it. in reply to bcrosby #
- @bcrosby But ignorance of reality isn’t helping you much. in reply to bcrosby #
- @bcrosby Check the bio before you accuse anyone of speaking from talking points. Especially me. in reply to bcrosby #
- RT @edReformer: edReformer: Dropout Nation Defined #temt #edreform @dropoutnation #
- @bcrosby Actually, I’m quite aware of reality. And, of course, poor-performing teachers aren’t the only problem. in reply to bcrosby #
- @bcrosby But if you don’t address the teachers, curricula, school leadership and the lack of intellectual curiosity within K-12… in reply to bcrosby #
- @bcrosby then you’re not addressing the systemic problems. in reply to bcrosby #
- @bcrosby And, by the way, having spent a lot of time tutoring kids on reading, I do know plenty about teaching. in reply to bcrosby #
- @bcrosby It’s not easy work. But that’s no excuse. If you become a teacher, you must be skilled in your subjects, care about kids and… in reply to bcrosby #
- @bcrosby know how to get the best out of every child. In short, you know the job. So you must do it well. It applies to all in any vocation. in reply to bcrosby #
- @bcrosby And doubly so in teaching, a job in which the customers (the kids and the parents) get only one shot. in reply to bcrosby #
- @bcrosby Actually, I didn’t. Please re-read. I said getting rid of poor-performing teachers is a critical step. Not the only one. Try again. in reply to bcrosby #
- @bcrosby You, on the other hand, don’t seem to be saying much of anything other than a focus on eliminating poor-performing teachers… in reply to bcrosby #
- @bcrosby is somehow the worst thing to ever happen. As a professional, you should want the laggards out. It makes your job harder to do. in reply to bcrosby #
- @bcrosby I have heard plenty of teachers complain about the cleanup work they’ve had to do because a kid came from an earlier grade… in reply to bcrosby #
- @bcrosby poorly prepared. They still have to do the job, get the kid up to speed (no excuses). But even I agree that good-to-great teachers in reply to bcrosby #
- @bcrosby deserve better than to work with folks who aren’t deserving of being called teachers. in reply to bcrosby #
- @bcrosby Well, #RttT doesn’t just focus on teacher quality. It also focuses on school turnarounds, expanding school choice (charter schools) in reply to bcrosby #
- @bcrosby and curricula quality reform. The teacher quality element gets discussed often among teachers because it hits you. in reply to bcrosby #
- @bcrosby But #RttT is far more than that. in reply to bcrosby #
- @bcrosby By the way: How about actually reading what one says, not reducing things in your mind to the status of “talking points”. in reply to bcrosby #
- @bcrosby You’d come off a little better that way. in reply to bcrosby #
- @bcrosby And it’s not just turnarounds based on charter schools. It’s turnarounds of the actual schools themselves, often w/o conversion in reply to bcrosby #
- @bcrosby to charters. A bigger piece of the turnaround discussion lies within the #SIG grants, but #RttT involves that aspect. in reply to bcrosby #
- @bcrosby By the Way: Of the four main turnaround models, only one involves charters. For traditional districts, it’s rarely ever considered in reply to bcrosby #
- @bcrosby for obvious reasons. The other three include shutting down the school and replacing it with other schools, and comprehensive in reply to bcrosby #
- @bcrosby staff and administrator reforms. Let’s try studying the entire reform plans, please, not just what you don’t like. in reply to bcrosby #
- @bcrosby Again, I’m not saying charters are THE answer. Nor do I say teacher quality is just the answer. Both are one of many answers in reply to bcrosby #
- @bcrosby and not every answer will work in all situations. But you have to be willing to try a wide range of answers in order to reform in reply to bcrosby #
- @bcrosby a system that hasn’t worked very well in years (and was never really built for academic education, but for civic teaching). in reply to bcrosby #
- @bcrosby Thanks for your thoughts. in reply to bcrosby #
- @bcrosby Well, #RttT is designed to be relatively narrow (as competitive grant programs are), but it does allow for a wide array of reforms in reply to bcrosby #
- @bcrosby within that context. California has done its own with the Parent Trigger school turnaround law; other have focused on tenure in reply to bcrosby #
- @bcrosby reform and other areas. But the wide range of #edreform comes under the #NoChild #ESEA rewrite, as well as #SIG #I3 and in reply to bcrosby #
- @bcrosby other measures. Again, focus not just on #RttT You are a smart guy. Take some time and read. in reply to bcrosby #
- @bcrosby Okay. in reply to bcrosby #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Five Questions Every Parent Should Ask https://dropoutnation.net/qpa #edreform #ParentPower #
- At Dropout Nation: Three Thoughts on Education This Week https://dropoutnation.net/fu2 #NCTQ #AACTE #CivilRights #edreform #Detroit #
- @mpgroome That does sounds delicious. in reply to mpgroome #
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