- RT @tvanderark: must read: 3 thoughts on #edreform from Dropout Nation https://dropoutnation.net/fu2 #BlackEd #
- HechingerEd interview’s Delaware #
- HechingerEd interviews Delaware’s education secretary about #Edreform and the state’s #RttT effort #
- Martin Haberman looks at urban systems, notes that most damn students to low expectations through teaching #edreform #
- At Dropout Nation: Watch: Addressing the Boys Crisis in Reading https://dropoutnation.net/bgh #literacy #edgap #edreform #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Five Steps Toward Fostering Great #Teachers https://dropoutnation.net/fgt #edreform #TQReform #
- RT @tvanderark: district-lead transformations likely to be lame; Justin Cohen, Mass Insight #edreform #SIG #
- 20% fewer schools ranked “superior” by Del. on AYP. #edreform #RttT #NoChild #ESEA #
- 20% fewer schools ranked “superior” by Del. on AYP #edreform #RttT #NoChild #ESEA #
- Off-edu RT @amyalkon: Go Broke Or Break The Law: 2 stories, how Medicare’s breaking doctors (putting them (cont) http://tl.gd/2riaib #
- Education Next asks if desegrgation is dead #edreform #civilrights #BlackEd #
- At Dropout Nation: This Is Dropout Nation: This Week’s Quotes https://dropoutnation.net/e31 #edreform #ArneDuncan #BlackEd #
- RT @spedteacher: “Failure: The Secret to Success” A great video about why and how Honda requires risk-taking and failure. http://is.gd/dUHon #
- RT @Dr_EricWaters: @dropoutnation 22nd Annual National Dropout Prevention Network Conference, From Rhetoric to (cont) http://tl.gd/2riglv #
- @Dr_EricWaters Thanks. Will look into attending. in reply to Dr_EricWaters #
- @Dr_EricWaters thanks for the RTs too. in reply to Dr_EricWaters #
- More anti-#CommonCore/#CCSSI (with hint of Checker Finn-bashing) courtesy of Donna Garner at EducationNews.org #
- RT @Eduflack Staff shake-ups may extend to 5 more low-performing Boston schools http://sbne.ws/r/5gnN #edreform #SIG #turnarounds #
- RT @Eduflack: Students boost math skills through new e-math program http://sbne.ws/r/5gnK (from ASCD) #edtech #
- Off-edu: Oh well. RT @davewiner: We’ve got to get a Twitter that isn’t owned by Twitter (or Google and their minions). #
- Watch: A California Legislator Explains the Need for Action on the Dropout Crisis https://dropoutnation.net/b5e #edreform #GloriaRomero #
- Watch: A California Legislator Explains the Need for Action on the Dropout Crisis https://dropoutnation.net/b5e #RttT #GloriaRomero #
- RT @linkstoliteracy: Beverly Cleary: What She Wants You to Know About Her (via @People): #Reading #literacy #
- RT @ClaytonMuhammad: RT @TonyGaskins: Wake up Motivated!! 250,000 people across the world died in their sleep last night. #
- Today’s Maxim RT @ClaytonMuhammad: RT @jMGySgt: @ClaytonMuhammad change your mind change your life— yes!!! <<< #WEKNOW #
- RT @Dr_EricWaters: Many Teachers Failing At Their Jobs: Report http://huff.to/cBP03l // Thoughts? #edreform #TQReform #
- RT @iwantwealth: Good Morning. The BEST to you today! #
- RT @getschooled @CarolEducation DC ed issues Congress not working on #NoChild teacher layoffs, program bailouts http://tinyurl.com/39as5wj #
- RT @ChadRatliff: RT @pammoran: RT @BeckyFisher73: Educational Leaders Must Be Self-directed Learners http://post.ly/pbjb #
- RT @Dr_EricWaters: Many [teachers] fail b/c they bring bias and self esteem issues into http://tl.gd/2rnog8 #
- @tracyrenee70 it’s a start. Most teachers aren’t prepare at all before they get into classrooms. #TQReform in reply to tracyrenee70 #
- @tracyrenee70 As Martin Haberman points out, most ed schools are geared toward prepping teachers for suburban classrooms. #TQReform in reply to tracyrenee70 #
- @tracyrenee70 And most of our teachers are white females from suburban homes. A disaster for #urbaned #TQReform in reply to tracyrenee70 #
- RT @tracyrenee70: @dropoutnation yes, it’s culture shock for which they are not prepared, then comes mgmt issues & kids can’t learn in chaos #
- @tracyrenee70 When one looks deep in the TFA model, no one can say it’s perfect. But the teachers get results, improve student achievement in reply to tracyrenee70 #
- @tracyrenee70 note that these are the kids with which ed schools have dealt for more than a century, yet fail to train their grads to serve in reply to tracyrenee70 #
- @tracyrenee70 There’s too much “poverty is the problem” among many in the ed school crowd, not enough “these kid can learn, get teachin'” in reply to tracyrenee70 #
- @tracyrenee70 And “poverty” is just another code word for “we don’t care about black and Latino kids”. in reply to tracyrenee70 #
- RT @tracyrenee70: @dropoutnation @readywriting if it were up to me Other People’s Children would be required (cont) http://tl.gd/2roa3e #
- @readywriting You didn’t kill the convoj I’m walking at the moment. in reply to readywriting #
- @readywriting I’ll start by saying that you think of the kids in your class like they are your very own flesh and blood. in reply to readywriting #
- @readywriting This means that no matter how they behave or how tall and seemingly menacing they may appear, they are still just kids… in reply to readywriting #
- @readywriting Still seeking parental caring, teaching and discipline. in reply to readywriting #
- @readywriting By the Way: There are plenty of black teachers who are biased against kids of their own color b/c they come from different… in reply to readywriting #
- @readywriting class backgrounds or were successful in school (while these kids may come in grade levels behind). (cont) http://tl.gd/2rol3v in reply to readywriting #
- RT @Dr_EricWaters There is a degree of theatricality that teacher should possess. I took an intro to theatre, several speech classes. #
- RT @tracyrenee70: poverty is no excuse for low expectations, these kids are brilliant, excuses must stop #edreform #BlackEd #TQReform #
- @tracyrenee70 @Dr_EricWaters @readywriting Time for some sleep and read one of my fav mags. Catch you all later. in reply to tracyrenee70 #
- RT @Dr_EricWaters: Unionization and collective bargaining does not inspire passion. It precipitates a “9-5” mentality. #TGIF #edreform #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Five Steps Toward Fostering Great #Teachers https://dropoutnation.net/fgt #TQReform #
- RT @fixitips: This Is Dropout Nation: This Week’s Quotes https://dropoutnation.net/e31 #edreform #
- RT @Dr_EricWaters: higher ed should provide “spine builder” courses. Why? Because it is as REAL as it gets http://tl.gd/2roksd #
- @TeachMoore Well, it depends on what you mean by “open shop”. Although technically, those states may not allow unions, they do require in reply to TeachMoore #
- @TeachMoore “conferring” with representatives of teachers (i.e. unions) on work rules, etc. State laws in those states often mirror those in reply to TeachMoore #
- @TeachMoore in fully union-dominated (collective bargaining required) states as well. Just because a union doesn’t have collective in reply to TeachMoore #
- @TeachMoore bargaining exclusively at the state level doesn’t mean they don’t wield influence at statehouse, school boards and ed schools in reply to TeachMoore #
- @TeachMoore The NEA and AFT are national unions with locals in every state. That power doesn’t always depend just on state-mandated CB in reply to TeachMoore #
- @TeachMoore Of course, unions aren’t the only reason why American public education is in crisis. There is a mindset of low expectations in reply to TeachMoore #
- @TeachMoore throughout all levels of trad. public ed, especially in ed schools and in many districts themselves. Unions are just one part of in reply to TeachMoore #
- @TeachMoore the problem. And it will take challenging all the other elements in order to continue and sustain reform. in reply to TeachMoore #
- RT @Dr_EricWaters: @dropoutnation @tracyrenee70 so many ‘ed leaders’ use status variables such as race, gender, class, http://tl.gd/2rqaa6 #
- off-edu: RT @TPCarney: Dem leaders, donors to hold Rangel birthday bash at The Plaza >> #
- Blaming a parent for the failures of American public education is like blaming a patient for the malpractice of a doctor #edreform #
- Or like blaming a homeowner for the lapses of the contractor and architect #edreform #
- Consider: 40 percent of all children will require specialized reading instruction–even if their parents read to them from birth #edreform #
- Essentially, even if parents read to their kids from birth, teach them algebra and help them w/homework, great teachers will #edreform #
- still be required, high-quality curricula needed, and high-quality schools will be paramount #edreform #
- That said, parents can use their power to spur #edreform Through #ParentPower all caregivers can find out the deficiencies in #edreform #
- their schools, learn which teachers are of low quality, and foster change. #edreform #
- I will discuss this tomorrow on “The Dropout Nation Podcast: Five Questions Every Parent Should Ask”, at DropoutNation.net #edreform #
- Parents aren’t powerless unless they continue thinking that way. Beltway #edreform activists must help. So must #grassroots activists. #
- But parents–especially in those polluted by dropout factories and failure mills–will need to storm the gates in every small way #edreform #
- Yes RT @BeckyFisher73: @dropoutnation Shouldn’t 100% of kids GET spec. reading instruct.-even if parents read to them from birth? #edreform #
- @BeckyFisher73 They should. But we know almost none get it now. in reply to BeckyFisher73 #
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