- D.C. mayoral candidate Vincent Gray could have said that dismissal of 241 laggard teachers by #MichelleRhee was sensible. #edreform #DCPS #
- After all, Gray says he wants to eliminate poor-performing teachers from #DCPS schools, from ruining the education of more kids #edreform #
- But he didn’t say that. He hedged. He had to “look further”. Well, that tells you that he talks out both sides of his mouth #DCPS #edreform #
- Enough said. Unfortunately for DC residents, their choice is between #Fenty (marginally effective in everything, but stellar in #edreform #
- or Gray (untested in everything, too captured by the status quo fueling his campaign to take really strong #edreform positions). #
- Yeah. That bad #edreform #
- Could we name #MichelleRhee mayor, please? Or better yet, #JoelKlein #
- And not just in D.C.; Alexandria and Arlington could use either of them as well. #
- RT @tvanderark: PBS Newshour on NOLA http://to.pbs.org/dcvDV2 #CharterSchool #edreform #PaulVallas #
- RT @balmeras: NEW post @ The Grass Stain Guru: Summer: A Public Service Announcement #playoutdoors #
- RT @oncevision: #quote “One important key to success is self-confidence. An important key to self-confidence is preparation.” Arthur Ashe #
- Off-ed: RT @Hollyj85: Check this video out — Part 1 Joey King interviewed by Amy Alkon at L.A. Times Fe http://youtu.be/OaWGY7LvYp4 #
- Voices of the Dropout Nation: Steve Peha Offers An Alternate History on the #Reading Crisis https://dropoutnation.net/8nc #edreform #literacy #
- RT @edreform: Giving lousy teachers the boot | WSJ on DC teacher evaluations | #edreform #TQReform #
- RT @sgsnead: @dropoutnation bring them to Detroit! DPS scores are literally the worst in the nation. #DPS is ground zero for #edreform #
- RT @tvanderark: we spend $100b mining retail data ; what if we spent $100b mining #edu data? #edreform #
- @tvanderark We’d know more about children, their relationships w/teachers, learning, than we do now #edreform #eddata #edtech in reply to tvanderark #
- You’d think RT @ChitownStu: @Barack_On_Blast don’t civil rights groups… have more pressing problems than to drudge up BS report? #Blacked #
- @EdReformPR Your come and snark has got up and left. Integration isn’t nearly as important as improving teaching, curricula in every school in reply to EdReformPR #
- @EdReformPR We’ve done the integration game. It hasn’t worked. Poor black neighborhoods still never got high-quality schools. #edreform in reply to EdReformPR #
- @EdReformPR If you are a parent in these neighborhoods, concerns about integration mean nothing if your kid isn’t getting high quality ed in reply to EdReformPR #
- @EdReformPR It’s why so many have run out of trad. public schools for charter schools. Other options. They aren’t waiting for the folks in reply to EdReformPR #
- @EdReformPR in the civil rights world to finally get around and support school turnarounds, improving teacher quality, revamping curricula. in reply to EdReformPR #
- @EdReformPR Sorry, but I’m for the kids and the parents. It’s just that simple. When the #NAACP finally gets it together, maybe we can talk. in reply to EdReformPR #
- @EdReformPR Otherwise the groups are irrelevant to my concerns and those of the parents standing athwart the status quo yelling “no”. in reply to EdReformPR #
- @EdReformPR Thanks for trying to offer some thoughts, whatever they may be. in reply to EdReformPR #
- RT @tvanderark @dropoutnation we’d also be lot smarter about what motivates persistence, improves retention, enhances application #edreform #
- @tvanderark Exactly. Right now, it is the very lack of data that makes it difficult to fully restructure American public ed #edreform in reply to tvanderark #
- Off-ed: When Dietrich Bonhoeffer went to Harlem’s famed Abyssinian Baptist Church, he found spiritual revival #BlackEd #
- #ArneDuncan brings bully pulpit to Detroit; tells board to place #MayoralControl on ballot #edreform #
- RT @lkcrouch: RT @bigswifty: Chicago Tribune ed page with good rundown of IL #rttt plan. #edreform #
- RT @DarlaBunting As a professional… speak at career days/mentor/tutor afterschool. You can find opps that work with schedule #edreform #
- @ktwithak One step may be to hold one’s nose and vote for Fenty. I’ll give him credit for at least standing up to the status quo and… in reply to ktwithak #
- @ktwithak backing Rhee, even when he had opportunities to save his own hide electorally (of course, Rhee may be the only reason some will… in reply to ktwithak #
- @ktwithak keep him in office). The other will be to show Vince Gray and Company that Rhee has more than enough backers who will make them in reply to ktwithak #
- @ktwithak pay for removing her. I’ll have more ideas coming. in reply to ktwithak #
- @ktwithak Thanks for following. in reply to ktwithak #
- RT @mathteachers: Dropout Nation Podcast: Five Steps Toward Fostering Great Teachers https://dropoutnation.net/fgt #edreform #GreatTeachers #
- RT @EducateEarly: Voices of the Dropout Nation: Steve Peha Offers An Alternate History on the #Reading Wars https://dropoutnation.net/8nc #
- Off-ed @amyalkon Sadly, it may be time for Gmail or an AdviceGoddess.com e-mail. I’m still shocked AOL has managed to survive this long #
- RT @teachermagazine: Thanks to @EducationWeek and Politics K-12 blog: 18 States, D.C. Named #RttT finalists: #edreform #
- In Mich., fmr state sup. Watkins calls for Detroit’s council to get it together so #DPS can attract a top CEO #edreform #
- @douglevin @samchaltain: The problem w/Chaltain’s analysis is simple. He doesn’t understand the black politics behind the #NAACP document in reply to douglevin #
- @douglevin @samchaltain: Ultimately, the old-school civil rights folks never support Obama in the first place. Now he’s forcing them to #
- @douglevin @samchaltain: actually make some decisions: Their allies in #NEA #AFT. Or the very kids and parents they are supposed to support #
- @douglevin @samchaltain: And Sam: Some of what you are proposing seems to take a step back, way back, to the low quality ed of the past #
- All this carping from old-school CR groups #AFT #NEA David Obey — remember, they are sounds of status quo falling apart. #edreform #
- All this carping from old-school CR groups #AFT #NEA David Obey — remember, these are sounds of status quo falling apart. #edreform #
- No reform effort or revolution comes without battles, fights, anger, especially when it involves proverbial oxes being gored #edreform #
- RT @stevejmoore RT@SocialMediaInEd …SM is a tool and if used properly can be useful in education #
- RT @elizcrum: While politicians point fingers over the no-get on #RttT funds, NV tops nation in HS dropout rate… #edreform #
- More on Nevada’s #edreform needs: https://dropoutnation.net/ow5 #RttT #GradRate #
- @amyalkon Understood. in reply to amyalkon #
- RT @matthewktabor: Dear Ed Tech Teachers/Admins: The entire world isn’t conspiring to resist your efforts. Relax. #edchat #edreform #
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