- RT @ChadRatliff: Charter Backers Flex Political Muscles #edreform #
- Fmr. #edreform backer Roy Barnes wins Ga’s Dem. gub nod. My report last week: https://dropoutnation.net/90l #
- RT @ChitownStu: @Barack_On_Blast all this contention and no response? #Dudofablast #Blacked #
- RT @AndresHenriquez: Lead story in the New York Times about how 27 states have embraced #commoncore http://nyti.ms/aqAqBI #edreform #CCSSI #
- RT @Eduflack: RT @VASCD: Followed by NYT room for debate-Will national standards improve schools? http://nyti.ms/9wTu5L #edreform #CCSSI #
- RT @PIEnetwork: New Fordham Institute analysis says for 33 states, #commoncore is superior in both math and reading http://nyti.ms/bhmwz3 #
- Rotherham notest that charter schools supporters need more than money to beat #NEA #AFT bodies advantage #edreform #
- In Mass, state house minority leader asks board to delay vote on #CommonCore #CCSSI #edreform #edpolicy #
- NYU Mathematician Goodman compares proposed #CommonCore #CCSSI #math standards to those of Korea, Singapore #edreform #
- In Cleveland, #AFT local votes on new pact; 650 teachers to be recalled from layoff; $17 million in pay cuts #edreform #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast Rallying Single Parents, Grandparents, Immigrants for #edreform https://dropoutnation.net/sc #ParentPower #
- At Dropout Nation: When Will the Beltway School Reformers Go Into Neighborhoods? https://dropoutnation.net/z4g #edreform #ParentPower #
- RT @charteralliance: John Legend: “cap on charter schools lifted. BUT qst, why are we capping at all good schools?” #
- @kimhurns Calm down. No one is taking a shot at high-quality, top-performing teachers. Just those who are failing our children. #edreform in reply to kimhurns #
- @kimhurns If you are a high-quality teacher, then you have nothing to worry about. If you are not? Well, then perhaps you get to improving. in reply to kimhurns #
- RT @JoanneLeeJacobs: New blog post: R.I. weights per-student funding #edreform #
- @kimhurns Great professionals aren’t swayed by media. You don’t hear a great reporter taking negative comments about journalism badly. in reply to kimhurns #
- @kimhurns If you are confident, no amount of discussion about poor-performing teachers, need to reform the profession, should bother you. in reply to kimhurns #
- @kimhurns Taking this personally offers an insight into one’s own level of confidence. It isn’t pretty. in reply to kimhurns #
- @kimhurns Again, no one criticizes high-quality teachers and high-quality teaching. What people disdain is low-quality teaching that helps in reply to kimhurns #
- @kimhurns foster our dropout crisis. And it isn’t just teaching. We need to improve curricula, make parents the lead decision-makers in in reply to kimhurns #
- @kimhurns education decision-making (versus the after thoughts they are treated as now), and offer school options for every child. in reply to kimhurns #
- @kimhurns The balanced conversation is happening. And many #edreform activists know what goes on in schools. in reply to kimhurns #
- RT @MBAENews: Antonucci says put politics aside to do what is best for kids at MA Bd of Ed #commoncore #CCSSI #edreform #
- RT @CliftonR: Robert Byrd could keep his job after having been a KLANSMAN, but this admin fires SHERROD for only telling the truth 🙁 #
- @CliftonR Of course, Byrd’s indiscretions came a long time ago, before he gained the clout to essentially wipe the slate clean. in reply to CliftonR #
- Why seniority-based teaching assignment is bad for kids RT @alexanderrusso Movies #edreform Lessons From “Toy Story 3” #
- @CliftonR Unfotunately, Sherrod never attained Byrd’s influence or power. Sadly. As they say, might makes right. in reply to CliftonR #
- Today’s Maxim: T @Flipbooks: “Persistent people begin their success where others end in failure” ~Edward Eggleston #quote #
- @CliftonR In politics, the only true power and influence you get comes with your election. And even then, it is always limited. in reply to CliftonR #
- @CliftonR Just because you have power, influence, doesn’t mean you can wield it recklessly. You’re still in the pyramid, w/some having more in reply to CliftonR #
- @CliftonR influence and others having less. And unless you are elected (and thus have your own constituency), your influence is dependent on in reply to CliftonR #
- @CliftonR your patron. in reply to CliftonR #
- RT @JoanneLeeJacobs: New blog post: Job training doesn’t create jobs #edreform #CommunityCollege #
- @kimhurns: Please re-read my entire statement. In any case. once again, if you are doing a great job and know it, then media coverage in reply to kimhurns #
- @kimhurns isn’t going to faze you. If you aren’t? Well, you know what to do. in reply to kimhurns #
- @kimhurns Apologies if I come off as blunt. But confident professionals know their worth. It’s just that simple. in reply to kimhurns #
- RT @BuffaloReformED: “Detroit Public Schools to offer more math, reading | freep.com | Detroit Free Press” ( #edreform #
- RT @Dlove03: Let colleges handle charter school applications #edreform #
- If you’re in Detroit, help kids read and join the Reading Corps. More info at http://www.detroitk12.org/readingcorps #edreform #GrassRoots #
- At Education Experts, comments on family engagement from @EdEquality‘s Wynn, National PTA Prez Chuck Saylors #edreform #
- RT @CommonSenseNJ: New @Manhattan_Inst issue brief: NJ teacher salaries comparable to wages in private sector http://bit.ly/an8olh #edreform #
- RT @D_Aarons: RT @educationweek: Blog: Duncan Announces Creation of National Learning Registry http://bit.ly/bsh6xP #education #
- RT @AME_media: Dropout Nation: New Jersey Preacher on The Need for School Choice https://dropoutnation.net/n4n #edreform #ParentPower #
- RT @tvanderark: Will Beltway #edreform engage in grassroots organizing? Another thoughtful piece from @DropoutNation #
- RT @amyalkon: Saving Ourselves With Financial Ruin: Nobel econ laureate Vernon L. Smith on our economic idiocy: http://bit.ly/cqGeDd #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast Rallying Single Parents, Grandparents, Immigrants for #edreform https://dropoutnation.net/sc #grassroots #
- RT @CatalystChicago @Eduflack Are charter schools viable in high-performing districts? http://bit.ly/aZ0tbY (from ASCD) #edreform #
- RT @College_Success @Eduflack @D_Aarons @wallacefdn study Learning From Leadership http://bit.ly/cOwkPM #edreform #
- RT @cpylevdoe: Virginia response to Fordham review of Standards of Learning: http://tinyurl.com/24tdeqq #CommonCore #CCSSI #
- RT @EdEquality: MUST READ from @dropoutnation re: why grassroots matters for #edreform & closing #edgap #
- RT @linkstoliteracy: Sign up for the Links to #Literacy monthly newsletter. http://bit.ly/cxij17 #reading #
- RT @dangillmor: Will Obama adm offer job back to Sherrod, or just a lame apology? if not both, a disgrace #
- Qedreform and #Election 2010 RT @mikedebonis: Independent fundraising could aid Vince Gray’s campaign effort: #
- #edreform and #Election 2010 RT @mikedebonis: Independent fundraising could aid Vince Gray’s campaign effort: #
- RT @hechingerreport: The debate is painful, but MA agrees to substitute #CommonCore standards for their own: http://bit.ly/b95XXj #edreform #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Rallying Single Parents, Grandparents and Immigrants for #edreform https://dropoutnation.net/sc #BlackEd #
- RT @sgermeraad: #NEA joins movement to close the comparability loophole in Title I of #ESEA #NoChild http://bit.ly/cmm9rp #edreform #
- Maxim for #edreform RT @iwantwealth: If you aren’t part of the solution. You are the problem. I suggest you move out of my way. #
- Arne Duncan at MCEC on #CommonCore #CCSSI: “We’re going to stop lying to children and lying to families [on curriculum quality]” #edreform #
- “We have to challenge the status quo on when schools are failing… We think it is unacceptable” Arne Duncan at MCEC conference #edreform #
- “This is an amazing time to be in education. We are looking for transformational change.” Arne Duncan at MCEC on #edreform #RttT #
- RT @DA_magazine: News: In West Virginia Unions Still Block Education Reform (charter schools) http://ow.ly/18eF8O #edreform #NEA #AFT #RttT #
- RT @JoeNBC: RT @Poputarian: @JoeNBC Various entities — both sides — stirring up racial tensions before an election. They’re bums. #
- At Dropout Nation: Watch: New Jersey Preacher on the Need for School Choice https://dropoutnation.net/n4n #edreform #ParentPower #
- At Dropout Nation: Watch: New Jersey Preacher on the Need for School Choice https://dropoutnation.net/n4n #edreform #ParentPower #BlackEd #
- RT @therebull: Ward 2 Mayor’s Race Straw Poll Results: Fenty 97, Gray 63 #dc #edreform #charters #Election2010 #
- In D.C., Jobs For the Future looking for director of state ed policy. Visit jff.org or NHoffman@jff.org or JVargas@jff.org for more info. #
- Val Strauss argues #CommonCore #CCSSI, fails to realize it’s just one of many answers. http://bit.ly/bDMWCN #edreform #
- RT @temperedradical @dropoutnation @readtoday: At Dropout Nation: Watch: Edward Tom Doing “Whatever It Takes” https://dropoutnation.net/cxu #
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