- @davewiner Honestly, the wordpress guys and Chris Pearson need to just do some Kumbaya and be done with it. The fighting is unnecessary. in reply to davewiner #
- @EdReformPR Ah, spoken like someone who has never started a business, fulfilled an ambition or tried to improve the world. in reply to EdReformPR #
- @EdReformPR The reality of life is that if you want to improve the lives of children, or start a business or accomplish anything, you must in reply to EdReformPR #
- @EdReformPR give time, blood, sweat and tears. MLK took time off, but he put in 60 hours a week. So did Bill Gates… in reply to EdReformPR #
- @EdReformPR If you want to be a teacher, you should expect to work hard. This isn’t easy work. The kids deserve that time… in reply to EdReformPR #
- @EdReformPR Either work hard or go home. in reply to EdReformPR #
- @EdReformPR This, by the way, goes for raising a family, marriage, etc. Life has no easy button. in reply to EdReformPR #
- @LHSSchmidt That study is hardly worth the paper upon which it is written. Especially when it argues charter schools foster a race to bottom in reply to LHSSchmidt #
- RT @DSnowman: @EdReformPR So it is #sarcasm because no educated person could believe what you say. #edreform #
- Off-ed: We really don’t need this. RT @vadum: A depression may be just around the corner. http://tinyurl.com/3xdohmj #economyfreefall #
- Off-ed: Enjoy RT @howardowens: This is what I think are my best photos, newly updated tonight. #
- RT @ClassroomChaos: “Education’s purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one.” -Malcolm Forbes #edreform #
- Of course RT @iwantwealth: I know its early but while your out and about on this Saturday…support your local artist! #
- Bloomberg Businessweek gets it half right on Bill Gates, #GatesFoundation and education #edreform (via @sanchezjb) #
- RT @iwantwealth: Title I teacher Title I teacher where are art though Title I teacher http://wp.me/PYisy-13 #BlackEd #edreform #artsed #
- At Dropout Nation: Does Teacher Turnover Matter https://dropoutnation.net/ttm #TQReform #Teachers #edreform #socialentrepreneurism #
- At Dropout Nation: Watch: Edward Tom Doing “Whatever It Takes” https://dropoutnation.net/cxu #edreform #BlackEd #SchoolLeadership #
- RT @misternaite: RT @MarcSean86: Come check out the Harlem Book Fair 135th & Lenox great books, prizes, and (cont) http://tl.gd/2ipp9u #
- RT @tvanderark: In search of edu productivity: 10 ideas for chiefs #BlendedLearning #edreform #
- Sounds nice. But… RT @hechingerreport: Peter Cunningham @usedgov: to get anything done we need to work together #edreform #edpolicy #
- RT @educationalan: Reichert’s book with Richard Hawley: “Reaching Boys, Teaching Boys.” #hstw #hstw10 #SavingBoys #
- http://tweetphoto.com/33250428 Another Day in Beltway: Dream Act supporters holding vigil outside the White (cont) http://tl.gd/2iu6rq #
- Another Day in Beltway: Hockey outside the Treasury Department http://tweetphoto.com/33251644 #
- RT @hechingerreport Peter Cunningham @usedgov on Carrots: #Rttt is $4B, significantly less than $650B ed funding (cont) http://tl.gd/2iub1n #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Abandon #Edujobs to Build #ParentPower https://dropoutnation.net/epp #edreform #RttT #grassroots #
- RT @sgermeraad: RT @getschooled: Is #collegecost worth the debt in the end? New BLS study shows it might. http://ow.ly/2cHPc #
- Yeah, a #headshaker RT @sgermeraad: @hechingerreport Confused. Randi wants students to be paid for performance, but not teachers? #
- @JasonFlom I’d argue that teachers are treated very well. The problem is that people recognize the dissonance btwn demands… in reply to JasonFlom #
- @JasonFlom by #NEA #AFT and vocal teachers to be treated like professionals and willingness to actually be subjected… in reply to JasonFlom #
- @JasonFlom of professionalism (evaluation, pay for performance and the like). Can’t try to have it both ways and expect folks not to notice. in reply to JasonFlom #
- @JasonFlom You can’t demand professional treatment, then defend seniority-based pay scales that fails to reward good and great teaching. in reply to JasonFlom #
- @JasonFlom and you can’t take on tagline “union of professionals” and defend Last Hired-First Fired (I’m looking at you #RandiWeingarten in reply to JasonFlom #
- @JasonFlom start with compensation: pensions w/as much $2 millin in lifetime payments, avg. Base incomes of more than $54K nationally… in reply to JasonFlom #
- @JasonFlom (even more in NY, Calif); and that’s just the start. If the argument is working conditions, that’s an issue of the way the… in reply to JasonFlom #
- @JasonFlom the contracts, seniority rules and systemic structure of American public ed. Blame that on ed (cont) http://tl.gd/2iv3bo in reply to JasonFlom #
- @JasonFlom I’m not specifically talking about you in the personal sense. If that is your interpretation, my apologies for the confusion. in reply to JasonFlom #
- @JasonFlom I’m speaking about those who argue that teachers are “under attack” when the discussion is (cont) http://tl.gd/2iv4au in reply to JasonFlom #
- @JasonFlom (poorly, especially for young teachers who don’t benefit from the seniority-based privileges for at least 15 years) and the vocal in reply to JasonFlom #
- @JasonFlom opponents of every kind of #edreform in reply to JasonFlom #
- @JasonFlom True. But for those out of work or paying taxes in an age of tight budgets, the pay and benefits are important considerations in reply to JasonFlom #
- @JasonFlom in good treatment. I’m not saying there aren’t major issues for teachers (especially for those w/less than a decade in the field) in reply to JasonFlom #
- @JasonFlom but those are systemic and have a lot to do w/the very compensation and work rule systems developed by teachers unions/districts in reply to JasonFlom #
- @JasonFlom It’s not a hatred of unions, but a disdain towards a status quo they helped shape and defend that results in 1.3 million kids… in reply to JasonFlom #
- @JasonFlom dropping out into poverty, prison, who look just like me, come from my communities. I disdain any institution that defends this in reply to JasonFlom #
- @JasonFlom and by the way, #NEA #AFT are the reasons why many teachers feel like you’re not involved, feel less than esteemed professionally in reply to JasonFlom #
- @JasonFlom just as blacks, Latinos must form new alliances, strategies, tools to stem #edgap so must teachers. in reply to JasonFlom #
- @JasonFlom #NEA #AF ? aren’t serving your profession well. in reply to JasonFlom #
- @JasonFlom not just #NEA #AFT. But they are among the major decision-makers in the status quo. The $72 million spent by the two unions in… in reply to JasonFlom #
- @JasonFlom the last election cycle (and the kingmaker role they play in school board elections) exemplifies their role in the dropout crisis in reply to JasonFlom #
- @JasonFlom Again, you have unions that are supposed to serve as your reps in education decisionmaking. If they aren’t serving that role… in reply to JasonFlom #
- @JasonFlom to your satisfaction, that should tell you something. Or as I tell people, the NAACP doesn’t get my money for a reason. in reply to JasonFlom #
- @JasonFlom Teachers aren’t powerless. But their concerns aren’t the only ones that matter. Nor should they be (cont) http://tl.gd/2ivslr in reply to JasonFlom #
- RT @RobertTalbert: “Street-Fighting Mathematics”, book by Sanjoy Mahajan from MIT press, is free for downloading: #
- RT @honeynoir @AnRMike: Identify, Eliminate Negative People/Habits from your life. Be swift and brutal about it. Youll thank yourself later. #
- I’d drop her for being lame. RT @davewiner: Mississippi public radio drops ‘Fresh Air with Terry Gross’ for sex talk. http://r2.ly/zs9i #
- Of course, the sex talk show will be just as boring as “Fresh Air”. #
- RT @POWERORGmath @MarjieKnudsen: “You’re happiest while you’re making the greatest contribution.” ~Robert Kennedy #quote #
- RT @MBAENews @Poynter: WSJ loves Teach for America, while NYT is deeply skeptical. @BillinBoston explains why. http://ow.ly/2aM3x #
- RT @honeynoir @dropoutnation: At Dropout Nation: Watch: Edward Tom Doing “Whatever It Takes” https://dropoutnation.net/cxu #edreform #BlackEd #
- @honeynoir Thanks. in reply to honeynoir #
- RT @iwantwealth: Its not a teacher’s job 2 help moms navigate through their kids edu…it would certainly make their job easier if they did. #
- At Dropout Nation: Does Teacher Turnover Matter https://dropoutnation.net/ttm #edschools #Teachers #edreform #socialentrepreneurism #
- On Sun: The Dropout Nation Podcast: Rallying Single Parents/Grandparents for #edreform at DropoutNation.net #ParentPower #SchoolChoice #
- This is for teachers and for all of us: You are only powerless if you behave that way… #edreform #
- You are only powerless if you choose allies who don’t share your long-term interests… #edreform #
- You are only powerless if you tolerate a status quo that condemns your children to poverty, prison, dreams deferred… #edreform #
- You are only powerless if you support a system that doesn’t recognize your professional growth, ability to be entrepreneurial… #edreform #
- You aren’t powerless. Stop acting that way. If you notice that your allies argue against your long-term interests, sit ’em down… #edreform #
- If they aren’t listening, tell them to get out of your proverbial house, tell them they are no longer welcomed… #edreform #
- If they continue to advocate for a status quo that is failing your kids, own career ambitions, visions of professionalism… #edreform #
- Then be ready to stand athwart, tell them “no”, foster new alliances, offer new solutions, try something better… #edreform #
- Power is all about your perception. You believe it, it is. Why do you think J. Edgar Hoover and the KKK were both afraid of MLK? #edreform #
- Why were Elijah Muhammed and northern populists afraid of Malcolm X… #edreform #
- Why was King George III and Europe’s kings afraid of George, Ben, Tom and the Founding Fathers> #edreform #039; #
- Once you believe you are powerful, more than a few people are going to notice. And that is a scary thing… #
- Once you believe you are powerful, more than a few people are going to notice. And that is a scary thing… #edreform #
- For those with whom you oppose and disagree. And at that point, you have won half the war… #edreform #
- So teachers, if you think your union isn’t representative of how you perceive your profession should look like, cut your card… #edreform #
- Parents, if you don’t like your school board, your state schools boss, vote them out>>> #edreform #
- Black people, if your old school civil rights group isn’t quite reflective of your concerns about edu, don’t support ’em… #edreform #
- We must all work within a political system. This doesn’t mean you have to accept eating scraps at the proverbial kiddie table. .. #edreform #
- And to teachers: If you don’t like your trad. school system, try starting your own charter or private school. Get up, get out & do something #
- And dear parents: You too. Start your own school. #edreform #ParentPower #
- And to #edreform activists in the Beltway: Here are some allies for you. Get off K street and work with them. #
- How about ditching the entire group: RT @miforward: “Reforming the Detroit School Board” #edreform #detroit #DPS #Bobb #
- Today’s Maxim: RT @iwantwealth: RT @IAmSteveWhyte: Do not let anger take control of you, you must tell it to MOVE. ~S.Whyte #
- @JasonFlom To answer challenge 1, let’s start with Invisble Ink in Collective Bargaining Agreements: https://dropoutnation.net/2d0 in reply to JasonFlom #
- @JasonFlom We can also offer TR3, NCTQ’s database on workplace conditions and contract structures for teachers: in reply to JasonFlom #
- @JasonFlom As for two: Start with @michaelbirnbaum of the WaPo: #
- @JasonFlom Then there is the KC Star on a teacher who won the Autism Society of America’s Professional of the Year in reply to JasonFlom #
- @JasonFlom Note, none of this includes anything from Diane Ravitch, who has been in the press all of the past seven months in reply to JasonFlom #
- @JasonFlom We’ll get more. Plenty more. But again, Jason, if you don’t feel you are being heard, then exercise power. You have it. in reply to JasonFlom #
- @JasonFlom Or, as Tim Gunn would say, make it work. in reply to JasonFlom #
- RT @readtoday: At Dropout Nation: Watch: Edward Tom Doing “Whatever It Takes” https://dropoutnation.net/cxu #edreform #BlackEd #
- RT @balmeras: Love these sandpit ideas from @creativestar #ECE #playoutdoors #
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