- Also has implications for #edreform RT @urbanophile: My latest blog post: “James Drain” Hits Cleveland – http://is.gd/dstsB #
- RT @eriksyring @teacherken @mikeklonsky @fklonsky Tilson … writes/talks about…unions, not teachers….different categories #edreform #
- @eriksyring Unfortunately, they don’t care. For them teachers unions are teachers, even though most are forced to join in reply to eriksyring #
- @eriksyring because of closed shop laws and state laws requiring teachers to either be represented by unions or pay agency fees to unions in reply to eriksyring #
- RT @educationgadfly: RT @sgermeraad: LAT editorial: #CCSSI is #edreform that makes sense. CA needs”coherent blueprint” #
- Just in time for #edujobs lobbying: CEP comes out w/report declaring 75% of districts will cut teacher jobs #edreform #
- On the other side, CEP report isn’t comforting to those arguing for #ARRA 2/#edujobs bailouts: Argues that districts shifted fund because #
- #edreform On the other side, CEP report isn’t comforting to those arguing for #ARRA 2/#edujobs bailouts: Argues that districts shifted funds #
- #edrform when they received #ARRA I stimulus because of the one-time nature of funds. In short, they didn’t exercise fiscal prudence #
- #edreform when they received #ARRA I stimulus because of the one-time nature of funds. In short, they didn’t exercise fiscal prudence #
- #edreform Layoffs may have been staved off for one year thanks to #ARRA I, but the long-term fiscal reckoning, reform of teacher… #
- #edreform compensation remains as important as ever. In short, stimulus bailout spending (including #edujobs shouldn’t continue. #
- RT @linkstoliteracy: Choosing nonfiction picture books – http://tinyurl.com/2d6erme #literacy #reading #ParentPower #
- Off-ed: RT @bridgettwagner @taxfoundation: Older Taxpayers Earn Lion’s Share of Capital Gains Income #taxpolicy #
- RT @EdEquality: “Obama’s [#edreform] Are A Priority” -Klein, Lomax, & Murguia – Wall St. Journal, EEP Chairs #
- RT @CharterInsights: Jeanne Allen, D. Bradford at Aug confab on where’s outrage about #schoolchoice : #ParentPower #
- KC Star on #ArneDuncan #039;s NAACP speech about #education #civilrights (H/T @coopmike48) #edreform #BlackEd #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Abandon #Edujobs to Build #ParentPower https://dropoutnation.net/epp #edreform #grassroots #BlackEd #
- Speaking of student/#teacher connections, here is a replay of Dropout Nation Podcast on this topic https://dropoutnation.net/wjz #HarlemLink #
- Off-ed RT @elizabethonline: New Blog Post | The Jam Experiment: On Choice http://tinyurl.com/2cxpoob #
- To fully understand the irrelevance of the #NAACP in 2010, consider its obsession w/the #teaparty movement #edreform #
- When one out of every two young black men are dropping out of school, when half of all black 4th-graders can’t read, when #NEA #AFT… #
- When one out of every two young black men are dropping out of school, when half of all black 4th-graders can’t read, when… #edreform #
- when #NEA #AFT block #SchoolChoice charter schools and #ParentPower initiatives that can improve #edquality in urban neighborhoods… #
- when #NEA #AFT block #SchoolChoice charter schools and #ParentPower efforts that can improve #edquality in urban neighborhoods… #edreform #
- and the #NAACP are complaining about irrelevant tea party folks who don’t have much power… #edreform #
- yeah, these are signs that the #NAACP is absolutely lost its way and is no longer worth much to Black America #edreform #
- yeah, these are signs that the #NAACP has absolutely lost its way and is no longer worth much to Black America #edreform #
- We need the #NAACP to wake up, get back in the game, engage w/#edreform movement and stop dilly-dallying. Our kids are at stake #BlackEd #
- @teacherken And many are in unions not by choice, but by closed shop laws, which requires teachers to either be members of pay agency fees in reply to teacherken #
- @teacherken Essentially, many teachers are members not by choice, but by force. in reply to teacherken #
- @teacherken In any case, an organization exists outside of its members. It is a separate entity all its own in reply to teacherken #
- @teacherken the fact that a union represents members doesn’t mean it represents the full views of all members. in reply to teacherken #
- @teacherken So no, Tilson or I criticizing #AFT #NEA does not equal criticizing teachers. To make that argument is absolutely illogical. in reply to teacherken #
- @teacherken And worse, anti-common sense and anti-intellectual. in reply to teacherken #
- @teacherken I don’t hate unions. I am opposed to outfits whose policies result in the condemning millions of children to prison and poverty. in reply to teacherken #
- @teacherken If that is a problem for you, then so be it as well. Have a nice day. in reply to teacherken #
- RT @markowenh: NAACP has been inconsequential for quite a while..this party of W.E.B and other founders should be ashamed @dropoutnation #
- RT @markowenh: More worried about losing it’s non-profit status or working behind the scenes #NAACP is toothless & virtually invisibile #
- RT @hechingerreport Duncan: 36 states asked for $9b in #RttT Cutting $500 million means…states with good apps will lose out. #edreform #
- RT @ToughLoveforX @dropoutnation @EdOptionsInc: Dropout Nation Podcast: Abandon #Edujobs Build #ParentPower https://dropoutnation.net/epp #
- RT @matthewktabor: Revelation: In the 2010 midterms, I’m voting for whomever institutes a ban on packing peanuts. #
- Antonucci: Calif #NEA transfers $2 million in dues to PAC. My report on NEA: https://dropoutnation.net/uby #edreform #
- RT @vadum: Off-ed: My prediction: cap on Gulf deep sea oil well will burst. This is going to go on for a long time yet. #
- Off-ed: RT @camsavage @Marathonpundit: INSen: Coats fundraising nos probably causing chill for Ellsworth (cont) http://tl.gd/2hk1ve #
- @teacherken Inaccurate, really? Prove it. in reply to teacherken #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Abandon #Edujobs to Build #ParentPower https://dropoutnation.net/epp #edreform RttT #TQReform #teachers #
- RT @tvanderark: #edreform or broken promises? Senate supporting House cuts to #RttT TIF, Charter Schools #
- @tvanderark it’s about keeping Congress right now. The polls don’t look good for House Ds or for Senate Ds. #edreform in reply to tvanderark #
- @tvanderark The latter will keep control of the Senate /c of numbers; the House Ds less so. #edreform in reply to tvanderark #
- But contrary to assertions by @alexanderrusso, Ds would be in trouble anyway, no matter the #edreform battles. #
- RT @Andrew_Coulson: Schools on Film ( Education and Child Policy )http://bit.ly/dhaoc2 #edreform #SchoolChoice #ParentPower #
- Tomorrow, I ask does teacher attrition/turnover matter in light of new data, needs for systemic #edreform at http://www.dropoutnation.net #
- @teacherken If you ever expect to carry the day in a debate w/such a response, then you have served your own cause so poorly. in reply to teacherken #
- @teacherken Thanks for your response. in reply to teacherken #
- #edreform CA state board of ed declares state of emergency for 1,001 dropout factories/failure mills #RttT #turnarounds #
- RT @John_Bailey: Get the Insider View on #ESEA #NoChild/#NCLB reauthorization on July 29 – http://eepurl.com/IPqZ #edreform #
- @emilyschoolsyou If you base it just on Calif. API. But that index has been well-documented to be, well, a bit of not all that compliant w/ in reply to emilyschoolsyou #
- @emilyschoolsyou federal AYP. Now, whether the move is a good decision by the state board of ed is, well, an interesting question. in reply to emilyschoolsyou #
- @emilyschoolsyou The move should have been made back in April, months before kids have to begin returning to school. in reply to emilyschoolsyou #
- @emilyschoolsyou A district does have to actually plan for this kind of thing, and even I will concede that. in reply to emilyschoolsyou #
- @misternaite Hope you enjoy working w/HCZ. Should be a fantastic experience. in reply to misternaite #
- @emilyschoolsyou Of course, which is the other problem with all of this. in reply to emilyschoolsyou #
- @emilyschoolsyou That said, the school data problem isn’t going to be solved overnight–or, given Calif. political culture, ever. in reply to emilyschoolsyou #
- @emilyschoolsyou This goes back to a system of so many different agencies, working at cross-purposes, interpreting state law for their in reply to emilyschoolsyou #
- @emilyschoolsyou own political purposes. Again, I’m not against the move being made by the state board of ed in this case… in reply to emilyschoolsyou #
- @emilyschoolsyou But this isn’t a move that was well-planned. in reply to emilyschoolsyou #
- Inspirational #edreform music for the evening, courtesy of Jerry Reed: http://youtu.be/uHZJej98_T0 #SmokeyandtheBandit #
- @emilyschoolsyou Credit that to the Parents Union crowd on the board. Whatever your view on them, Ben Austin deserves credit… in reply to emilyschoolsyou #
- @emilyschoolsyou for making things happen. in reply to emilyschoolsyou #
- And for #edreform #BlackEd and #Grassroots some more inspiring music, courtesy of Jay-Z http://youtu.be/Oz_-VaTHpc8 #TheBlackAlbum #
- RT @mathadventures: Does your kid really know how to count? Interesting podcast: http://ow.ly/27FD0 #math #homeschool #ParentPower #BlackEd #
- Good read. RT @DarlaBunting: Finally cracking open Paul Tough’s Whatever It Takes #HCZ #EdReform #BlackEd #
- RT @POWERORGmath @readtoday @ToughLoveforX 4 me, it’s a/b the fact that on avg every 7 seconds a kid drops out… Unacceptable #edreform #
- Yup. RT @ChitownStu: RT @ToureX: “All young black men in white worlds know more about white than white know about black.” -David Bowie #
- Teacher-run schools? More from EdNext (from 09): My piece on #AFT #NEA schools https://dropoutnation.net/urs #edreform #
- @matthewktabor Who’s spouting off this time. in reply to matthewktabor #
- The offending material to which @mathewktabor was referring (I think): No comment #
- RT @harlemlink: Go Ms. Kinney! HL teacher doing education consulting in Sierra Leone: #edreform #
- Today’s Maxim: RT @RabbiShaiSpecht: It only takes One person to make a difference. Are you ready? #
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