• If you really hate the #edreform movement's goals and approaches, then be ready to offer something better. Otherwise, get out of the way. #
  • As Martin Luther King would say, we don't have time to wait for something that every child should get right now. #edreform #
  • And the #edreform movement, in turn, must do more than just offer a compelling vision. This system has been here longer than you have been. #
  • And for a lot of people, familiar is more comfortable than change, tradition better than reform, the status quo better than new #edreform #
  • @budtheteacher No. There are several goals. But that depends, in some sense, on each person. There are several key principles shared in reply to budtheteacher #
  • @budtheteacher There is one movement. There is solidarity of ultimate goal. Solidarity on any tactics/approaches? Nope. in reply to budtheteacher #
  • @budtheteacher And, as with every movement, people disagree on whether there is one silver bullet or several. I say several. Others say one. in reply to budtheteacher #
  • RT @rgwahby If only 1 out of 2 people left hospital alive would you go there? Why do we allow H.S.'s w/50% grad rate to exist? #edreform #
  • At Dropout Nation: This is Dropout Nation: Nevada's State of Denial: https://dropoutnation.net/ow5 #edreform #edgap #gradrate #
  • RT @fredthompson: Woman accuses Al Gore of acting like a "sex-crazed poodle". That's just crazy. Poodles don't believe in global warming. #
  • Houston Chronicle looks at Texas' #gradrate Some 130,000 freshmen never graduate #edgap #edreform #
  • The Chicago Tribune editorializes for #vouchers #SchoolChoice #edreform #DCOpportunityScholarship #
  • RT @JoanneLeeJacobs: New blog post: Bored in school #gradrate #dropouts #HighSchoolReform #
  • RT @AheadStudent @dropoutnation: This is Dropout Nation: Nevada's State of Denial: https://dropoutnation.net/ow5 #edreform #boysed #gradrate #
  • The Dropout Nation Podcast: Building a Culture of Genius in Education https://dropoutnation.net/cog #edreform #education #
  • Rewind: The Dropout Nation Podcast: Finding Courageous Politicians for #edreform https://dropoutnation.net/p8s #edujobs #RttT#DavidObey #
  • The first state to go into default: Illinois, which has stopped paying bills, has largest #teacherspension deficit http://nyti.ms/cIaNwl #
  • This is the price of fiscal irresponsibility, both in areas such as teacher compensation, as well as in the rest of public sector activity #
  • Essentially, $10 billion will not solve the long-term problems. Reform of public sector and teachers compensation is necessity #edreform #
  • RT @AndresHenriquez: 20 states adopted #commoncore KY, WV, HI, MD, WI, NC, UT, OH, MI, MO, WY, NJ, NV, Il, OK, AZ, MS, PA, LA, and RI. #
  • Off-Ed: A fact: Just 10 million Africans likely lived through the full slave trade, surviving round up, Middle Passage and camp in Americas #
  • Off-Ed: A fact: Five million died in the Americas in so-called "seasoning camps" in Jamaica and elsewhere. #
  • Off-Ed: A fact: Another 2.2 million died during the voyage from Africa to slave camps. #
  • Off-Ed: A fact: An unknown number of Africans died before getting to ports, having lost their freedom at the hands of other Africans. #
  • Off-Ed: So 7 million Africans died because people–including those who shared the color of their skin–were racial/tribal supremacists. #
  • Off-Ed: Another 6 million Jews and others died this century because of the murderous thoughts of other supremacists. #
  • Off-Ed: Always keep those numbers in mind when you think about why you should embrace the Golden Rule. #
  • RT @BraveKidsVoices: Teach children empathy, compassion and respect by showing children empathy, compassion and respect. #
  • RT @iwantwealth: We need to teach our young boys and girls that the "tattooed" is not a "protected" class! #
  • RT @VeritasPrepCS: "The nation's charter schools should use their freedoms to boldly innovate and create" #edreform #
  • This is Dropout Nation: Nevada's State of Denial: https://dropoutnation.net/ow5 #edreform #edgap #gradrate #
  • Coming Tomorrow: The Dropout Nation Podcast: Why We Need College-Ready Education https://dropoutnation.net/pod #edreform #CCSSI #edgap #
  • RT @TRECA_Ohio: This Day in History: (1952) Puerto Rico's Constitution is approved by the U.S. Congress #education #OHEducation #
  • Antonucci at #NEAConvention notes #NEA isn't worried about teacher layoffs; combative against Obama/#RttT #edreform #
  • RT @urbanophile: story out of Indy helps explains how cities lost millions in the swaps market http://is.gd/delpw #urbanaffairs #munifinance #
  • RT @iwantwealth: People under estimate poor urban moms all the time…We're destroying value & rich human capital! #

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