- @hardlynormal Please stop using that per-person number. It hardly shows the reality of spending on prisons or schools #BlackEd in reply to hardlynormal #
- @hardlynormal: The fact is that Calif. spends $8.6 billion on prisons and $55 billion on schools every year #BlackEd #
- @hardlynormal: The only reason why the per person numbers seen large is because there are more students than inmates #BlackEd #
- @hardlynormal This isn't to say that Calif. spends money well on either one. That's the problem. #BlackEd #
- Calif spends $8.6 billion on prisons, badly, because it spends $55 billion on education, atrociously. #BlackEd #edreform #
- @charterschoolm No, what Cato is saying is that so long as true #schoolchoice doesn't exist, charter schools will crowd out private schools in reply to charterschoolm #
- @charterschoolm Now, not every private school closing is a lousy one. Catholic schools in general have performed better than either charters in reply to charterschoolm #
- @charterschoolm or trad. public schools. But when families, strapped for cash, have to choose between paying twice for education… in reply to charterschoolm #
- @charterschoolm (in terms of both taxes and tuition for a private school) or pay once, they will choose to pay once, which crowds out in reply to charterschoolm #
- @charterschoolm choice and high quality private options. The argument is intellectually sound even if one doesn't agree w/Cato's suggested in reply to charterschoolm #
- @charterschoolm fixes. From my end, it's just time to stop this outdated concept of public education as school districts, bureaucracies in reply to charterschoolm #
- @charterschoolm Public education should be a system of funding the best options for all families, no matter what they are. in reply to charterschoolm #
- @charterschoolm Public education should be a system of funding the best options for all families, no matter what they are. #edreform #
- @charterschoolm It shouldn't matter if the school is trad. public, charter, parochial, online, private #edreform in reply to charterschoolm #
- @charterschoolm So long as the kids and families get to pick the best options for their educational needs. That should only matter #edreform in reply to charterschoolm #
- Children stuck in dropout factories and failure mills shouldn't have to wait for turnaround plans and supermen. #edreform #
- If the school has been persistently failing for decades, it should be shut down. The school is unlikely to ever be fixed #edreform #
- And the kids shouldn't have to endanger their futures because the adults don't want to do the right thing. #edreform #
- RT @JoanneLeeJacobs: New blog post: U.S. schools spend $10,259 per student #edreform #
- And the last American to die in WWII: @howardowens: The last American to die in Vietnam #
- @dianeravitch Oh,please, Diane. The layoff numbers have been shrinking for months. And even then, just five percent of 6.2 million employes in reply to DianeRavitch #
- @dianeravitch That's not even a rounding error compared to the number of private sector layoffs. Use some perspective. in reply to DianeRavitch #
- @dianeravitch: More thoughts: Education's Reality Check at https://dropoutnation.net/j0b #edreform #
- At EducationNews.org, Shaughnessy interviews Dr. Gabrielle Miller about raising children to be readers #literacy #
- At Dropout Nation: Race to the Edujobs? https://dropoutnation.net/t5g #edreform #RttT #DavidObey #TQReform #education #ArneDuncan #
- @howardowens I wasn't talking about the politics involved. For my followers, it was a historic and educational note. in reply to howardowens #
- @howardowens It wasn't a commentary of any kind on the politics. Should have made it a tad clearer for you. in reply to howardowens #
- RT @ClaytonMuhammad: If God wanted you to be someone else, He would have made you someone else. JUST BE YOU! EVERYONE ELSE IS TAKEN! #
- RT @davewiner: "What kind of coward says stuff like that behind someone's back and expects to have his back covered?" http://r2.ly/8tbh #
- RT @PIEnetwork: #DFER asking friends of #edreform to oppose Obey amendment to cut Obama reform initiatives #edpolicy #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Building a Culture of Genius in Education https://dropoutnation.net/cog #edreform #SchoolChoice #JohnTaylorGatto #
- RT @bigswifty: Jonathan Chait of TNR: "Do Not [Dave] Obey" #edreform #rttt #education #edfunding #edreform #charters #
- RT @sgermeraad @dropoutnation Race to the #Edujobs https://dropoutnation.net/t5g #edreform #RttT #DavidObey #TQReform #ArneDuncan #
- John Thompson's latest thoughtless #headshaker RT @alexanderrusso: The Case For Edujobs #edreform #
- RT @EdEquality @charteralliance Duncan tells #NCSC that administration wants to find other offsets;not fan of Obey cuts to #RttT #edreform #
- RT @josephlawler: More Fed/Treasury bailout shenanigans come to light: Thanks Businessweek for the FOIA #
- RT @mikeklonsky Dropout Nation: EdTrust 's Wilkins claims Obama, Duncan, centrist Dems can’t afford to let Obey succeed #
- RT @rgwahby: Essential to quality charter schools – hire and fire their teachers. #ncsc #edreform #
- RT @streter @sourcepov @ToughLoveforX "Equity: the right of every person to have access and help to become a critical-thinking citizen." #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Building a Culture of Genius in Education https://dropoutnation.net/cog #edreform #BlackEd #JohnTaylorGatto #
- Voices of the Dropout Nation: Steve Baranyk on Indianapolis' Academic Failure https://dropoutnation.net/2ri #edgap #gradrate #edreform #
- Nah. Just politics. RT @AdamClampitt Rhee threatening to quit if Fenty is not reelected? Borders on extortion #edreform #
- @AdamClampitt It's not as if Gray would keep #Rhee anyway. #DCPS #edreform in reply to AdamClampitt #
- RT @sgermeraad @teacherbeat Weingarten Accuses ED of Protecting "Pet Programs" http://bit.ly/bhUoUr THIS is about reform v. status quo #
- On edujobs/#RttT sparring: Rewind: The Dropout Nation Podcast: Finding Courageous Politicians for #edreform https://dropoutnation.net/p8s #
- @KennethLibby Just about to fix it. He is definitely not Jesus. in reply to KennethLibby #
- RT @rolandsmartin So the elite whites in France use "standards" to imply minorities aren't as smart. That's what is called white superiority #
- RT @rolandsmartin We've been fed info about how liberal France is. But the bigotry that is on the rise from white liberals is clear, wrong #
- RT @rolandsmartin: This is all about protecting their future status and earnings, and their unwillingness to share. Shameful. #
- To start off the weekend, a little Louis Armstrong: http://youtu.be/wyLjbMBpGDA #NEAConvention #
- A look at the Ron Clark Academy in Atlanta http://bit.ly/dsTQ3k #edreform #
- Of course, she does. #headshaker RT @mikeklonsky: Ravitch: Support Congressman Obey's Edujobs Bill http://huff.to/cI0lHq #edreform #
- In D.C., YEP-DC looking for someone to chair its beautification day at Garrison Elementary School. More at http://www.yepdc.org/ #edreform #
- Also for the D.C. crowd: Better Educators Book Club meeting July 13. More at http://bit.ly/cO81Gp #edreform #
- Reach for College College Readiness Institute for Educators is on Aug. 2-6. Learn more at http://conta.cc/cB8lzw #
- RT @gnaeyaert BREAKING NEWS: Peter Groff, former CO Sen Pres, named CEO of National Alliance for Public Charter Schools. #edreform #edpolicy #
- Let's be clear: It's time for Diane Ravitch to leave the stage of #edpolicy debate. She never belonged there in the first place. #edreform #
- RT @sgermeraad: HINT: He's not happy, either. RT @PoliticsK12 Check out what Obama has to say about the cut to #RttT http://tiny.cc/iyics #
- @BmoreSchools Well, she doesn't exactly have to leave. The marketplace of ideas is free for all to join. in reply to BmoreSchools #
- @BmoreSchools But she hasn't contributed much other than a sort of rabid contrarianism on #edreform that isn't fully based on facts. in reply to BmoreSchools #
- @BmoreSchools Some of the folks on the #edreform side engage in the same thing, to be fair. in reply to BmoreSchools #
- @graingered She's hardly objective. She is clear. Wrong. Most of the time. in reply to graingered #
- @BmoreSchools There are too many people who want a silver bullet or poke holes in solutions. in reply to BmoreSchools #
- @BmoreSchools There isn't one silver bullet. And there is no one solution to the crisis in American public education. in reply to BmoreSchools #
- @BmoreSchools We need to find answers that include #parentpower #choice #TQReform and communities. Not just an answer. in reply to BmoreSchools #
- RT @JoanneLeeJacobs: New blog post: Edujobs backer covets reform funds #edreform #
- @BmoreSchools Here's a much broader and thorough critique of her book than even I have time to give http://bit.ly/9xvXdD in reply to BmoreSchools #
- @BmoreSchools And part II, III, IV, V: http://bit.ly/dcmTcZ and http://bit.ly/aTuaRJ and http://bit.ly/9IxRPG and http://bit.ly/dtg0nx in reply to BmoreSchools #
- @BmoreSchools She's not silver bullets. But she's plenty of bullet hole-shooting. Badly in reply to BmoreSchools #
- @BmoreSchools Which, by the way, is inexcusable for an education historian. But then, I prefer Jeffrey Mirel myself. in reply to BmoreSchools #
- McCluskey on #ARRAII edujobs v #RttT Pox on the houses of #edreform activists, Jared Polis and David Obey/#NEA/#AFT #
- "This ideological opposition to the idea of excellence is troubling" Susan Sontag, 2002 #
- RT @bigswifty: Twenty-six ed reform groups say sustain reform, keep promises, oppose Obey amendment. http://bit.ly/cLTiJP #rttt #edreform #
- RT @MarcSean86: SPEEK is hosting a young men's group, looking for 7 young males btwn ages 13-16. Check out here http://www.speekpeered.org #youth #
- RT @coopmike48: #RttT caught in D.C. budget fight | EdNewsColorado #edreform #
- RT @linkstoliteracy: Links to Literacy has a Facebook Page now! Become a Fan: http://bit.ly/cNP4qi #literacy #education #
- Today' Maxim: RT @ClaytonMuhammad: People have had it far worse than you and made it far higher! Stop complaining and start commanding! #
- "There may be more people who, statistically, speak Mandarin or Spanish, but only English is literally everywhere." Susan Sontag #
- RT @sgermeraad: RT @futurowoman: RT @OfficialALT: NO ONE CAN MAKE YOU FEEL INFERIOR WITHOUT YOUR CONSENT; Eleanor Roosevelt said that. #
- RT @EdEquality: RT @RIMAcademies: Debate on Obey amendment about to begin… http://bit.ly/bcJljB #edreform #RttT #
- Another Maxim: RT @edubrew: Leadership is taking responsibility… #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Building a Culture of Genius in Education https://dropoutnation.net/cog #edreform #BlackEd #grassroots #
- On edujobs/#RttT sparring: Rewind: The Dropout Nation Podcast: Finding Courageous Politicians for #edreform https://dropoutnation.net/p8s #
- At Dropout Nation: Race to the Edujobs? https://dropoutnation.net/t5g #edreform #RttT #DavidObey #TQReform #education #ArneDuncan #
- Voices of the Dropout Nation: Steve Baranyk on Indianapolis' Academic Failure https://dropoutnation.net/2ri #edgap #gradrate #edreform #
- RT @EducationNext: Hanushek blog: Obey eager to sacrifice innovation to save jobs, favor adults over kids. http://tiny.cc/cr5tv #edreform #
- RT @TPCarney: Our new City Hall sleuth RT @Freeman_Klopott: I am leaving the The Washington Examiner crime beat, now covering D.C. #
- RT @EdLeader_Ann: RT @edReformer: Who applied for i3 grants, all you need to know: #edreform | find GLISI's app. #
- RT @AmSpec: Fenty Gets Schooled http://bit.ly/aX501R, by RiShawn Biddle (@dropoutnation) #edreform #AdrianFenty #MichelleRhee #
- RT @WaitingSuperman: We just posted a video interview w/ Geoffrey Canada on our Facebook page- check it out! http://cot.ag/bhxrib #edreform #
- RT @charteralliance: Rep. Lewis, Ranking R Member on Appropriations, cites AP saying Prez will veto withou #edreform $ restored. #
- On the floor, Mass. Congressman McGovern says we shouldn't "quietly endure the status quo". This should also go for Obey plan #edreform #
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