• RT @chadsansing: Detroit Drop-out Factory short film shared by @dropoutnation ; how is your div similar/different?… #
  • RT @EdEquality @dropoutnation: Dropout Nation Podcast: Building a Culture of Genius in Education https://dropoutnation.net/cog #edreform #
  • RT @AntiWarProtest @educationweek: More on the Success of Urban Prep at Why Boys Fail: #edreform #edgap #BlackEd #
  • At Dropout Nation: Watch: Detroit's Giant Dropout Factory https://dropoutnation.net/ob #edreform #dps #OtisMathis #edgap #BlackEd #
  • RT @tvanderark: Nat Journal's school finance debate. My take: money follows kid to best option… #edpolicy #edreform #
  • RT @tvanderark: CRPE issues Charter School CMO report; here's what they missed #CharterSchool #edreform #
  • RT @urbanophile @ReidDave: City of Milwaukee adds 7,159 residents since 2000 at least heading in the right direction #
  • RT @amyalkon: World Economy Collapse Explained In Three Minutes Flat: The econ version of Who's On First? #
  • RT @daveweigel: I write about my experiences for Big Government. http://twe.ly/mqg #
  • At least he apologized for it RT @jaketapper: If it weren't for the late Sen. Byrd, I might not know what a Kleagle and Exalted Cyclops are. #
  • RT @romenesko: Reporter covering G20 for Guardian is beaten by police. TV anchor witnesses it and tweets his account. #
  • RT @dorieturner: My story on Ga. schools chief's legacy after 8 years in office: #kathykox #education #edreform #
  • RT @JoanneLeeJacobs: New blog post: Educating strivers #highered #communitycollege #
  • In a high chair. RT @jaketapper: RT @PDandrewCBS: After 35 years — where were you in 1975?– Justice Stevens retires today. #
  • RT @camsavage: Can someone nudge tell…Ellsworth he's in Congress. “If Washington is not listening…then we need to change the people” #
  • In D.C., Mayor Fenty bailing on tonight's education debate w/mayoral opponent Gray. Couldn't "makeout it work". #DCPS #Election2010 #Rhee #
  • In D.C., #AdrianFenty bailing on tonight's education debate w/mayoral opponent Gray. Couldn't "makeout it work". #DCPS #Election2010 #Rhee #
  • RT @EdEquality: Rhee and Ravitch give their thoughts on @WaitingSuperman #edreform #HCZ #
  • Note, #Fenty Gray debate is being hosted by YEP DC, whose members work for the city's major think tanks, edgroups, grassroots outfits. #Rhee #
  • You know, the kind of people #Fenty may need to win re-election in November and #MichelleRhee will need too. Just saying. #
  • RT @detnews: Bing cancels meeting on mayoral control of Detroit schools #DPS #edreform #
  • Speaking of Detroit #edreform check out this video on Motown's dropout factories https://dropoutnation.net/ob #dps #edgap #BlackEd #
  • In D.C., #AdrianFenty bailing on tonight's education debate w/mayoral opponent Gray. Couldn't "makeout it work". #DCPS #edreform #Rhee #
  • RT @mikedebonis: Debate organizer YEP DC is calling on supporters to contact Fenty campaign via Twitter, Facebook, phone to save the debate. #
  • For those interested in saving the debate, here's Fenty's Twitter handle: @FentyDC. And his Facebook is at #Rhee #
  • For those interested in saving the debate, here's Fenty's Twitter handle: @FentyDC. And his Facebook is at #edreform #
  • RT @ClaytonMuhammad: RT @bereolaesque: GENTLEMAN'S TIP: Being "real" is respected … but having tact is admirable. Pleasantries. #
  • RT @youngedprofs: @dropoutnation Fenty's handle is actually @Fenty2010 our mistake #Rhee #
  • RT @parentrev: .@alexanderrusso explains how NYT article exaggerated the cost of turning around Locke #edreform #
  • The Dropout Nation Podcast: Building a Culture of Genius in Education https://dropoutnation.net/cog #edreform #grassroots #ParentPower #
  • @sillyolesara Since charter schools are public schools, they are required to accept special needs kids. That Newsweek column is rubbish. in reply to sillyolesara #
  • At Dropout Nation: Watch: Detroit's Giant Dropout Factory https://dropoutnation.net/ob #edreform #dps #OtisMathis #edgap #BlackEd #
  • RT @mikedebonis: Gray improving his #MichelleRhee dodge: 'how do we embroaden (sic) the embracing of #edreform #039; so its not about 1 person? #
  • RT @mikedebonis: 'I don't think any real [#edreform} progress is being made' on spec ed under Fenty, Gray says. Needs more 'political will.' #
  • RT @mikedebonis: Gray suggests, like charters, some chronically failing schools should be closed #yepdc #edreform #DCPS #MichelleRhee #
  • RT @mikedebonis: Universal pre-K enrollment, gray says, will mean fewer kids in special ed programs down the road. #edreform #DCPS #
  • Coming tomorrow: A Voices of the Dropout Nation on Indianapolis, the importance of #literacy reading, and its impact on math #edreform #
  • It is written by Stephen Baranyk, an Indiana-based consultant who volunteers as a tutor with H.S. students struggling to not drop out #edgap #
  • If you want to offer a Voice of the Dropout Nation piece, e-mail it to editor@dropoutnation.net. #
  • RT @mikedebonis: Gray disputes premises, says charters are regulated and regularly closed. 'I don't think we ever benefit from monopolies.' #
  • RT @ivangosorio: A great day for liberty at the Supreme Court. http://ow.ly/24t8J http://ow.ly/24t8Y #
  • RT @ileducprof: Prevalence of having been forced to have…intercourse was higher black female (12.0%) students than all others in 2009. #
  • Off-ed: Each day, we should remember the words of "Amazing Grace". We are all wretches, once lost, now found; once blind and now can see. #
  • RT @EdEquality: RT @StateofBlackCT: video:MomCongress Moms Across Nation for #edreform Gwen Samuel Reps CThttp://bit.ly/c8dRp3 #

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