- Coming Sunday: The Dropout Nation Podcast: Building a Culture of Genius in Education at dropoutnation.net #edreform #grassroots #
- "We need to start from the cold-blooded premise that almost everyone is a genius, not that almost everyone is worthless." #edreform #
- This morning, let's embrace John Taylor Gatto's maxim through this morning's education sermon… #
- This morning, let's embrace John Taylor Gatto's maxim through this morning's education sermon… #edreform #grassroots #ParentPower #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Building a Culture of Genius in Education https://dropoutnation.net/cog #edreform #grassroots #ParentPower #
- RT @readywriting: The Dropout Nation Podcast: Building a Culture of Genius in Education https://dropoutnation.net/cog #edreform #ParentPower #
- An economic diaspora? RT @urbanophile: Are Ohioans the Okies of the Great Recession? – http://is.gd/d6xeV #
- Follow their actions RT @TeacherReality: Recent survey of Chicago teachers says that 38% of them send kids to private or parochial schools #
- Weak law RT @tvanderark @edReformer: VA Gov signs new Charter School law: , when will we get #charters in WA? #edreform #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Building a Culture of Genius in Education https://dropoutnation.net/cog #edreform #grassroots #BlackEd #
- RT @misternaite @dropoutnation Dropout Nation Podcast: Building a Culture of Genius in Education https://dropoutnation.net/cog #BlackEd #
- Wonder why we must foster a culture of genius in #education Consider this NY Post piece from last year #edreform #
- Another reason comes courtesy of Bloomberg News: #edreform #
- This will be a long battle, as evidenced by the Cincinnati school board in its fracas with its #AFT local #edreform #
- It is also evident in the opposition of those to the proper labeling of their schools as dropout factories/academic failure mills #edreform #
- They refuse to see things as they are. That is fine. They'll just have to move aside, head to the pasture, whatever they want #edreform #
- The kids deserve better than what they get every day in so many schools, be they in big cities, farming town and, yes, suburbia #edreform #
- Today's Maxim: RT @DrStevePerry: The time is now…. don't wait for "the future" – do what you gotta do NOW to make your dreams a reality #
- RT @kevin_powell: Don't sleep on education. Will change your life as it changed mine. (RT@coopemike48) #
- RT @iwantwealth @dropoutnation they see them as they are. They just refuse to publically admit their failure/personal stake in it! #edreform #
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