- @avalonsensei Who says they are the most-motivated students? More importantly, how can you prove it? Let's be real. You can't? in reply to avalonsensei #
- @avalonsensei In fact, your statement speaks to the biggest problem among defenders of traditional public ed: Low expectations #edreform in reply to avalonsensei #
- @avalonsensei If a student flailing in a trad. public ed setting does well in a charter school, then he must be "most motivated". #edreform in reply to avalonsensei #
- @avalonsensei It can't be that, perhaps, perhaps, a child and parent, finally given the opportunity to choose, decided to flee… #edreform in reply to avalonsensei #
- @avalonsensei The worst trad. public ed offers. Or that the charter school was the last, best hope available for this kid… #edreform in reply to avalonsensei #
- @avalonsensei Or because a charter may radically depart from ability tracking, low expectations, that the child feels cared for… #edreform in reply to avalonsensei #
- @avalonsensei And given high quality instruction, caring, highly qualified teachers, and a culture of high expectations… #edreform in reply to avalonsensei #
- @avalonsensei that a child may naturally rise to the challenge. Sorry, but when I here somebody say a charter, or a magnet or … #edreform in reply to avalonsensei #
- @avalonsensei a private school only attracts the "most-motivated" or even "the motivated", it's insult to every child and family.. #edreform in reply to avalonsensei #
- @avalonsensei because most people care about their children. But not every one knows how to improve the quality of ed for them. #edreform in reply to avalonsensei #
- @avalonsensei Let's quote John Taylor Gatto one more time… #edreform in reply to avalonsensei #
- @avalonsensei "We need 2 start from the cold-blooded premise that almost everyone is a genius." This includes our kids. #edreform in reply to avalonsensei #
- @avalonsensei Again, charters are "an answer", not the answer. PEd is too problem-ridden for them to be fixed by a silver bullet #edreform in reply to avalonsensei #
- @avalonsensei Several solutions will be needed. Charter schools, at their best, are one of those answers, as is #SchoolChoice #edreform in reply to avalonsensei #
- @avalonsensei Thanks for your thoughts. in reply to avalonsensei #
- Got giant cup now RT @1ryter: Oh yes, more studies showing benefits from coffee!…at my consumption rate, I should be extra healthy 4ever! #
- @Rodney_Trice Actually, the results are more complicated than the headline suggests. Time offered much better report in reply to Rodney_Trice #
- @Rodney_Trice Actually, the results are more complicated than piece suggests. Time offered much better report #BlackEd in reply to Rodney_Trice #
- @Rodney_Trice The Dallas study Fryer did shows that if you pay kids to read, they will actually read more. #BlackEd in reply to Rodney_Trice #
- @Rodney_Trice In Chicago, the results did show that if you paid kids to improve grades, the grades will improve #BlackEd in reply to Rodney_Trice #
- @Rodney_Trice But the test scores didn't improve (test scores did improve in the Dallas study). #BlackEd in reply to Rodney_Trice #
- @Rodney_Trice The point is that money isn't the only motivator. But to exclude money from being used as an incentive is foolhardy #BlackEd in reply to Rodney_Trice #
- @Rodney_Trice We must provide as many incentives for all kids to improve their grades. We must also improve teacher quality… #BlackEd in reply to Rodney_Trice #
- @Rodney_Trice curricula and the administration of the schools our children attend. #BlackEd in reply to Rodney_Trice #
- Oh, and in the DC experiment Fryer ran, incentives (including money) helped motivate black males to improve #BlackEd #
- @balmeras Here we go. http://tweetphoto.com/28846838 #
- Not exactly the world's largest. But it one of the most-chic. #
- Not exactly the world's largest. But it is one of the most-chic. #
- In Chicago, #AFT opposes #CPS plan to ditch #ReverseSeniority #LHFF layoffs, use performance as metric #edreform #
- This is as surprising as knowing that dinosaurs once roamed the earth. They still do. It's called the #AFT #
- The other is the #NEA but we already knew that too. #
- In Ohio, senate prez says #publicpensions are unsustainable Fordham responds: "You don't say." #
- No shock. RT @Trace_Urdan: So frustrating to listen to @SenatorHarkin biased questions. Not truth-seeking. Not listening. #4profit #highered #
- @misternaite: #edgap means 68% of black kids in Ga. attended dropout factories–and more unlikely to graduate–vs. 37% of whites. #edreform in reply to misternaite #
- At Dropout Nation: Three Questions: Steve Barr (Green Dot) https://dropoutnation.net/tqb #edreform #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast School Reform As the Cornerstone of Community Renewal https://dropoutnation.net/rs6 #edreform #BlackEd #grassroots #
- At Dropout Nation: Watch: Whitney Tilson on A Right Denied and School Reform https://dropoutnation.net/kw1 #edreform #DFER #
- Rewind: The Dropout Nation Podcast: Read to Your Boys https://dropoutnation.net/rtb #edreform #literacy #BlackEd #
- RT @RushaSams @dropoutnation Three Questions: Steve Barr of Green Dot charter schls https://dropoutnation.net/tqb #turnaroundschls #
- RT @EdEquality @dropoutnation: At Dropout Nation: Watch: Whitney Tilson on A Right Denied and #edreform https://dropoutnation.net/kw1 #DFER #
- RT @TammieJones: Another great piece by Rochelle Reilly via @freep: (this one about Otis Mathis). #DPS #
- RT @dupeed: RT @ayeletw: Oh yeah, no problem with not vaccinating. No problem at all. http://tinyurl.com/2d4tnb2 #
- RT @ivangosorio: Veronique De Rugy on the public sector's continuing growth. RT @biggovt: #
- RT @POWERORGmath: RT @pgsimoes: Ideas and Strategies for Using #VoiceThread in Science and Math (@drwetzel) – http://ow.ly/22WiU #edtech #
- Oh well. RT @rolandsmartin: Senate Democrats Pull Jobs Bill – http://fb.me/ysRt4NUS #
- RT @ivangosorio: Doherty on absurd instance of…union protectionism RT @reasonmag: Plumbers Unions v. Waterless Urinals http://ow.ly/22V5n #
- RT @nsvf: just stumbled across inspiring list, posted by philanthropist who takes mission to "spread, seed and… http://fb.me/D0fP4q44 #
- @avalonsensei Apologies if you think I have insulted you. But language matters. You declare that the kids who attend charter schools… in reply to avalonsensei #
- @avalonsensei are the motivated students. I didn't exactly put words in ypur mouth. What I did is point out that such a statement is in reply to avalonsensei #
- @avalonsensei insulting to those kids and their parents who, like nearly all parents and kids, want better for themselves and their… in reply to avalonsensei #
- @avalonsensei futures. For that, I'll never apologize. I will be moderate in how I say things, but I'll always call things as I see them. in reply to avalonsensei #
- @avalonsensei As a someone who attended the very same dropout factories that these families are often forced to attend because they have in reply to avalonsensei #
- @avalonsensei no choice, who work as best they can in spite of abysmal school bureaucracies and woeful instruction/curricula, my points are in reply to avalonsensei #
- @avalonsensei not insults. Nor are they insults to talented, highly effective, caring teachers who, whether they agree w/me or not in reply to avalonsensei #
- @avalonsensei appreciate anyone passionate and dedicated to helping every child write their own story. I don't claim to speak for all… in reply to avalonsensei #
- @avalonsensei That would be an insult to every parent and child; they have their own minds and their own genius… in reply to avalonsensei #
- @avalonsensei I speak with them–but with a bigger megaphone and more gumption in the public square. in reply to avalonsensei #
- @avalonsensei And experience, as meaningful as it is to each of us, is only applicable to just us alone. If I based my views only on my… in reply to avalonsensei #
- @avalonsensei experiences alone, I probably would stand for-square wit defenders of the decrepit status quo. This is true for most #edreform in reply to avalonsensei #
- @avalonsensei advocates. Many school reformers did fairly well in school. And most attended public schools. in reply to avalonsensei #
- @avalonsensei But many of them, like I, are looking beyond our experiences and see a system that fails far too many kids way too often. in reply to avalonsensei #
- @avalonsensei Thank you for your response and viewpoint. And your passion. #
- Today's Maxim: RT @ClaytonMuhammad: I wasn't worried about what others were doing, who was having what… That's waste of time, energy #
- R.I.P. RT @josephlawler: RT @TPCarney RT @WSJopinion: Manute Bol's Radical Christianity http://on.wsj.com/bzPKio #
- Turnaroound at cost RT @ChadRatliff: RT @GreenDotSchools: NYT Article on the changes at Locke High School: http://nyti.ms/98a4Kg #
- Turnaroound at cost RT @ChadRatliff @GreenDotSchools: NYT Article on the changes at Locke High School: http://nyti.ms/98a4Kg #edreform #
- In Detroit, the city council may weigh in on mayoral takeover of scandal-plagued #DPS #edreform #MayoralControl #
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