- Tomorrow on Dropout Nation: Green Dot charter schools founder Steve Barr answers Three Questions on #edreform #civilrights #grassroots #
- RT @JoyBing: “Imagination is… the preview of life's coming attractions.” by Albert Einstein #
- RT @urbandata: Only 15% of black, Latino #BOS HS grads finish college. #edreform via @EdEquality #
- RT @smarick: Big Mathematica report finds KIPP [charter school] students outperforming peers #edreform #schoolchoice #
- #Headshaker This claptrap from Hamson/Woesterhoff in Edweek has nothing to do with #parentpwer parental engagement #
- Hamson/Woesterhoff don't address PIRCs, expanding parental engagement. It's essentially an #AFT #NEA talking points memo. #
- Hamson/Woesterhoff don't address PIRCs, expanding parent engagement, choice, #parentpower It's essentially an #AFT #NEA talking points memo. #
- Calif. charter school reg proposals being battled by operators, advocates, because of troublesome new rules. #edreform #
- How did one Calif. schools chief candidate win chance at run-off? Pay-to-play junk mail, according to Feingenwald #
- NY Daily News looks at Harlem Success charter school and explains why #SchoolChoice and #parentpower works #edreform #
- RT @readywriting @dropoutnation @educationweek: More on Boys' Reading Crisis: RiShawn Biddle …http://bit.ly/aeOsXt #edreform #
- RT @EdEquality: Here the's KIPP report..finds KIPP [charter school] students outperforming peers #edreform #education #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast School Reform As the Cornerstone of Community Renewal https://dropoutnation.net/rs6 #edreform #grassroots #BlackEd #
- At Dropout Nation Today: Three Questions: Steve Barr (Green Dot charter schools founder) https://dropoutnation.net/tqb #edreform #
- At Dropout Nation Today: Three Questions: Steve Barr (Green Dot charter schools founder) https://dropoutnation.net/tqb #edreform #grassroots #
- At Dropout Nation Today: Three Questions: Steve Barr (Green Dot charter schools) https://dropoutnation.net/tqb #edreform #grassroots #
- RT @RodelDE: Put your pencils down, #RTTT recap, #CommonCore and more,
#edreform #edpolicy # - RT @ileducprof: @ProfAMW Black children are almost twice as likely as other children to live with other relatives or non-relatives. #BlackEd #
- RT @chadsansing: Steve Barr, founder of Green Dot, re: who cares for kids, urban education on @dropoutnation #edreform #
- In The American Spectator: RiShawn Biddle: The Kids Can't Read https://dropoutnation.net/kcr #literacy #edreform #education #BlackEd #
- RT @EdEquality: RT @Eduflack: Obama, fathers, and school improvement — http://tinyurl.com/35yebzw #ParentPower #edreform #
- At Dropout Nation: Three Questions: Steve Barr (Green Dot charter schools) https://dropoutnation.net/tqb #edreform #UrbanEd #education #
- RiShawn Biddle: The Kids Can't Read https://dropoutnation.net/kcr #literacy #edreform #education #BlackEd #
- RT @MBAENews: MBAE joins Globe in calling on House to block Senate plan to fund #charterschools with separate line items, gut #edreform law #
- RT @Eduflack: RT @hechingerreport: Hechinger Report | Q&A: Kate Walsh on improving teacher quality: #TQReform #edreform #
- RT @chadsansing @dropoutnation The Dropout Nation Podcast School Reform As the Cornerstone of Community Renewal https://dropoutnation.net/rs6 #
- RT @ninasonovia @CliftonR @dropoutnation: Dropout Nation: The Economic Importance of High-Quality Curricula #edreform #
- RT @EdEquality: Via@dropoutnation: "We need 2 start from the cold-blooded premise that almost everyone is a genius…" #edreform #
- That quote, from John Taylor Gatto, will be the basis for Sunday's Dropout Nation Podcast: Building a Culture of Genius in Education #
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