- RT @AmSpec: RiShawn Biddle: The Kids Can't Read #edeform #literacy #gradrate #edgap #
- RT @examinerpolitic: G. Kane: Charter schools don't work? Results say differently #edreform #schoolchoice #parentpower #
- Calif. GOP Gov. candidate Whitman argues for more charter schools. (Via @politicsv) #edreform #RttT #SchoolChoice #
- @purposedrIVYn Thank you! in reply to purposedrIVYn #
- At Dropout Nation: The Economic Importance of High-Quality Curricula https://dropoutnation.net/hqe #edreform #CCSSI #edpolicy #
- RT @amyalkon: Say Maybe To Drugs. Good Stossel piece including how Netherlands kids find pot, which is legal, boring. #
- RT @educationweek: More on Boys' Reading Crisis: RiShawn Biddle in American Spectator on the reading crisis…http://bit.ly/aeOsXt #edreform #
- In Detroit, school board chief quits after allegedly acting nasty, tries to pull back resignation #DPS #edreform #
- RT @CharterInsights: @chadsansing sorry for dropping off…90K for the best teachers. not 90K for all #teachers #edreform #TQreform #
- RT @CliftonR @dropoutnation: Dropout Nation: The Economic Importance of High-Quality Curricula https://dropoutnation.net/hqe #edreform #CCSSI #
- RT @CliftonR: @MACE_News: Dropout Nation: We need to focus on high quality curriculum: https://dropoutnation.net/hqe #edreform #
- RiShawn Biddle: The Kids Can't Read https://dropoutnation.net/kcr #literacy #edreform #education #BlackEd #
- Because it's not the right kind of people. RT @lioncaller: Not really understanding why Kyrgyzstan/ethnic cleansing is not front page news.. #
- Just saying. For some folks, ethnic cleansing isn't a concern if it doesn't involve the people they support or those who they despise. #sad #
- RT @AndresHenrique @cgewertz: Curriculum Matters: A Sneak Peek at Race to Top #Assessment Plans #RttT #CCSSI #
- @lioncaller: For some folks, ethnic cleansing isn't a concern if it doesn't involve the people they support or those who they despise. #sad in reply to lioncaller #
- In Paterson, N.J., Catholic archdiocese, district, discusses converting diocesan school into public academy #edreform #
- Rep. Chu on another anti #NoChild #ESEA reauth blueprint rant in Politico. She's partly right http://politi.co/cvMBIl #headshaker #edreform #
- RT @bigswifty: CA 7th graders discover cave on Mars #edreform #
- RT @lioncaller: @dropoutnation Well, a) I think it's always a concern, and b) that's a dangerous region for any added instability #wakeup #
- @lioncaller Agreed. We should care about what happens in all of the world. Tribalism in all forms should be wiped out. in reply to lioncaller #
- RT @dangillmor: police abuse law by claiming privacy rights (for themselves) during encounters with public #
- In Wisc., GOP candidate says he'll eliminate #teacher certif., expand #schoolchoice and #edreform #
- Tomorrow on Dropout Nation: Steve Barr answers Three Questions on #edreform #civilrights #grassroots #
- Dear Twitter: You may need to add more servers. #
- Of course, none of us actually pay for this service. So we may have to put up with the cost of the tyranny of the commons. #economics #
- RT @marylandBNN: The Sun: Charter schools expected to be hot topic Tuesday #edreform #SchoolChoice #ParentPower #
- RT @RobertTalbert: What (some) engineers think about liberal education: http://wp.me/p6pVW-xD #education #highered #
- As you already know, Detroit's school board president quit after admitting he behaved "inappropriately" #edreform #DPS #
- Yes, this is the same school board president who had trouble with his grammar, spelling. http://bit.ly/b2mJFQ? #edreform #DPS #
- God. Help. Detroit. Save it from its school and political leaders. #edreform #DPS #
- Save Detroit's kids from its political, educational leaders. Those kids needs a Vallas, Klein and Rhee in one. And great teachers #edreform #
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