• Should schools re-embrace spelling bees, competition, winners/losers? I say yes. So do others, notes JoanneJacobs: #edu #
  • There is nothing wrong w/kids learning to study hard, be humbled, gain praise for work well done. It's what happens in real life. #edreform #
  • Children are nurtured through realistic competition and exercises that prove they are learning, show teachers how well they are teaching. #
  • This realistic appraisal–not ability tracking or lying to kids by giving every child a ribbon–is how children learn to thrive. It works. #
  • You let them learn their strengths and weaknesses. You encourage them to do better when they fall short. You praise them for doing great. #
  • You teach them the concepts of fair play and the golden rule. You work harder with students who are struggling. #
  • You can even encourage kids to work together in order for those who are doing well to understand… #
  • that you only get better when you nurture stronger competition from your peers. And you don't let any of the kids off the hook. #
  • @eduflack: I think Freakonomics proved a while ago that the whole have books in a house theory is rather bogus. Correlation not causation. #
  • @eduflack: The fact that the parents have lots of books in the home merely means that they read a lot — which may be the bigger factor #
  • @eduflack: along with intensive, enriched interaction between children and parents from birth. #
  • @DrSelz I'll send over in an hour. Thanks for reaching out. in reply to DrSelz #
  • At JP Greene's blog, Greg Forster calls the #AFT president "Whinegarten", makes points about the proposed $23b bailout #
  • And Matthew Ladner gives Sara Mead a fisking over McKay vouchers #edreform #SchoolChoice #ParentPower #
  • Can't wait for the ultimate battle royale: Kevin Carey vs. Mike Petrilli, Round MXIII #ActuallyICanWaitForever #
  • @Dyrnwyn Well, you know, it's hard to remember anything when you get $100 billion here, $10 billion there and $528 billion everywhere. in reply to Dyrnwyn #
  • @Dyrnwyn Think the theme song from "Hustle and Flow" in reply to Dyrnwyn #
  • Do convention center expansions ever reap rewards RT @urbanophile: Bigger Minneapolis convention center does not pay off http://is.gd/cn3si #
  • True RT @iwantwealth: we need to prepare children to be adults in a competitive markets of globalization not spoonfeeding them recognition! #
  • RT @elizabethonline: ppl not understanding correlation vs causation is how Baby Einstein got away with their silliness for so long #
  • @elizabethonline It goes back to the big problem: People can be lazy (also explains racial/ethnic bigotry, complacency w/status quo, etc). in reply to elizabethonline #
  • #HigherEd remediation costs Texas $200 million a year. Why? H.S. kids graduating w/out the skills to do work #edreform #
  • RT @MBAENews: Deadline is today for MA districts to sign #RTTT MOU's: Why MBAE and AIM urge districts to sign http://is.gd/cn7KA #edreform #
  • In Mass: RT @MBAENews: Find out if your district has signed on to MA #RttT make sure they do by today http://is.gd/cn7YJ #edreform #

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