• In NY, Gov. candidate Cuomo to endorse charter school expansion, lift of cap #edreform #RttT #Election2010 #
  • Smarick thinks #CentralFalls deal is kinda worthless. Actually, he thinks it's worse [I agree]: http://tinyurl.com/22ld2dj #edreform #
  • RT @douglevin: ALA: cost of digital exclusion increasing, exacerbated as more essential services only online #edreform #
  • This goes back to the need to deal with the long-term costs of systemic educational failure. If you don't grad. H.S., college, you will be #
  • left behind in the digital world. In turn, the nation can't thrive economically. Of course, the other issue w/digital exclusion goes back to #
  • another set of problems: Regulation/over-subsidizing of the telecom sector; a lack of understanding among poor about need for computers #
  • The latter is easy to solve. The kids and even many of their parents get it. But more competition equals lower costs and lower barriers #
  • for the poorest Americans to cross over the digital divide. #
  • At DPN: This is Dropout Nation: A Chart of Educational Failure https://dropoutnation.net/om #edreform #edgap #sped #gradrate #
  • RT @EdEquality @lgoldrick25: #TFA bolster or hinder urban education reform? (via ASDC): #tfa #edpolicy #edreform #teachers #TQ #
  • RT @curtiswright: N.C. “Race to the Top” Team Misled Feds on CharterSchools…http://bit.ly/b7ZWZg #edreform #RttT #
  • RT @amyalkon: Suderman: Obamacare mandates freelancers fill out 1099 for purchases over $600 like laptop from Best Buy: #
  • Exactly. RT @MarcSean86: Vouchers coming to NJ. How can we deny any student a greater opportunity for a quality #edu #
  • @CohenD offers his thoughts on this week's Dropout Nation Podcast on ineffective teachers: https://dropoutnation.net/lae #edreform #TQ #
  • RT @chadsansing: @dropoutnation's infographic on dropouts ; let's share what we're doing about it #edreform #edgap #
  • @Trace_Urdan They are days late, dollars short and all behind the times. K. Carey argues that ed schools have been marginalized. He's right in reply to Trace_Urdan #
  • @Trace_Urdan But Carey doesn't note the reasons why they have been marginalized: They have been unwilling to acknowledge the lack of in reply to Trace_Urdan #
  • @Trace_Urdan high-quality teacher instruction, have battled those who have pointed out the problems (NCTQ, for example) and have been in reply to Trace_Urdan #
  • @Trace_Urdan unwilling to discuss how to fix said problems. Now, some are proposing that ed schools should partner w/TFA, TNTP, etc. in reply to Trace_Urdan #
  • @Trace_Urdan But what do ed schools offer those organizations other than some creaky institutional legacy? in reply to Trace_Urdan #
  • Agreed RT @junecohen: Hmm. I really disagree w/this: "The difference between people who dream and people who succeed is flawless execution" #
  • @Trace_Urdan B schools are not exactly much better. Just slightly compared to ed schools. But not by much. in reply to Trace_Urdan #
  • @Trace_Urdan I didn't think you were defending ed schools. Not at all. in reply to Trace_Urdan #
  • @Trace_Urdan I wouldn't insist that you were. in reply to Trace_Urdan #
  • And Darwin has a loser. RT @vadum: Woman cheats on husband, gets caught, sues wireless co. Uh, right.http://tinyurl.com/242uwv3 #tcot #tlot #
  • Today's Maxim: RT @junecohen: I think the the difference between people who dream and people who succeed is resilience. #
  • @vadum And you just added one more. Thanks. #HashTagsRUs in reply to vadum #
  • This is Dropout Nation: A Chart of Educational Failure https://dropoutnation.net/om #edreform #edgap #sped #gradrate #
  • RT @mrich1911 Dropout Nation Podcast: Get Rid of Poor-Performing Teachers (and the System that Protects Them) https://dropoutnation.net/h9u #
  • Ouch. RT @daveweigel: Ah, David Horowitz – a man who, after 45 years in the world of ideas, is finally able to outwit college students. #

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