- RT @jaketapper: RT @sesamestreet: Jim Henson passed away 20 years ago today. Jim, we still miss you. #
- RT @CoryBooker: The most important conversations we have are those we have with ourselves: "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he" #
- RT @EdEquality @tvanderark: CO improved #RttT odds this wk w/passage of teacher effectiveness bill #edreform #edpolicy #
- At Jay P. Greene's Blog, Greg Forster looks at #LAUnified layoffs ruling. Not pleased. #edreform #TQ #
- Jeff Jacoby notes ADL's Philly branch supports vouchers, opposing national org's position #edreform #schoolchoice #
- RT @InfoSomniac2: Stop bringing political dogma into the classroom/stop using teachers & students as…soldiers in some ideological war.. #
- School district bailouts to left. Corporate bailouts to right. RT @carr2n: Conde Nast looking for more subsidies http://nyti.ms/b9nIqf #
- Why not? Everyone else is. RT @amyalkon: Hey, artists, quit your jobs and sponge off the rest of us, Pelosi advises: #
- Censorship is flat RT @urbanophile @globalhighered Suddenly we're all HK [and China, Singapore, Soviet-era Hungary…] http://nyti.ms/ayZUpt #
- In NYS, Gov. holds back $1.5 billion in school funds to deal w/spending profligacy, irresponsible leadership #edu #
- RT @sourcepov: Framing Dynamics of the K12 Ecosystem. It's P7 at #ECOSYS Join us WEDS 9pET #edu #4change #edreform #
- @John_Passantino And my response: The Dropout Nation Podcast: Six Steps Toward Building #ParentPower https://dropoutnation.net/bpp in reply to John_Passantino #
- @John_Passantino No one is saying #schoolchoice is a panacea and the silver bullet in #edreform It is one of many steps… in reply to John_Passantino #
- @John_Passantino and critical in accountability. Parent/student satisfaction is meaningless w/o the ability to exercise choice, escape in reply to John_Passantino #
- @John_Passantino from the worst American public education offers. Especially for poor families who can do little in the status quo. in reply to John_Passantino #
- @John_Passantino Also: Rewind: Making Families Consumers — and Kings — in Education https://dropoutnation.net/9hy #edreform in reply to John_Passantino #
- @John_Passantino Thanks for your thoughts. in reply to John_Passantino #
- RT @tvanderark: Hartford is great example of portfolio district; interview with Adamowski on EdReformer.com #edreform #
- RT @janarausch True! #Milken #039;s Twal: Can u have comprehensive reform w/o community? Leadership goes, #edreform tends to die w/ it #meaforum #
- #AFT #UFT blog Edwize explains new teacher evaluation system. RT @edReformer: #edreform #TQ #teachers #
- RT @Codega @janarausch: Lowell #Milken We need to build human capital, infrastructure to produce effective #edreform system #meaforum #
- RT @rgwahby @schoolstories: SUNY Board approves five new charter schools in NYC; one in Rochester http://ow.ly/1LHQe #edreform #RttT #
- In K.C., Earl Simms of Children's Education Council, wonders if Mo., will learn from #RttT failure #edreform #
- @John_Passantino This I understand before sending my response. Apologies if I didn't make that clear. in reply to John_Passantino #
- @davewiner Well, from what I've always understood, Jimmy never had nuch control over Wikipedia anyway. in reply to davewiner #
- RT @RobertTalbert: STEM teachers should look at the ABET engineering criteria: Implications for what/how we teach. #
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