- In NJ, #NJOSA #schoolchoice press conf 9 a.m. today/Trenton. Rm 103, statehouse. RT @Dyrnwyn: Should be great day for school choice in NJ. #
- What "proctecting #education quot; really means via John Hood (hint, not kids) RT @JohnLockeNC: #ConsNC #ncga #edreform #
- RT @EDUCATIONCEO: Is your child attending one of Georgia's persistently lowest-performing schools? http://ow.ly/1Krt3 #education #edreform #
- RT @NYCschooling: Charter school group is running ads against seniority based layoffs #NY #edreform #TQ #
- RT @WashTimesCultur: Limits…impede push for charter schools My piece: https://dropoutnation.net/ncd #edreform #
- Michael Shaughnessy interviews two Worcester, Mass. administrators on efforts w/at-risk children. #edgap @edreform #
- RT @Dyrnwyn: In, N.J, the Star-Ledger just endorsed the Opportunity Scholarship Act: http://tinyurl.com/34uz85c ##njosa #edreform #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Read to Your Boys (#literacy and male-female #edgaps https://dropoutnation.net/nog #edreform #BlackEd #
- @RobertTalbert God bless your child and family in this time. in reply to RobertTalbert #
- At Dropout Nation: Why School Reform Can Succeed https://dropoutnation.net/e17 (#edreform/optimism vs. trad. ed pessimism over #edgap #
- RT @urbanophile: The Atlantic Monthly is doing a special project called "The Future of the City" http://is.gd/c7ku4 #urbanaffairs #
- At Dropout Nation: Education's Reality Check (#education and layoffs) https://dropoutnation.net/j0b #edreform #teachers #TQ #
- RT @EdEquality: House just scheduled one more #ESEA hearing on #turnarounds #edreform Witness list not out yet. #
- Why we need charter schools, #schoolchoice RT @JoanneLeeJacobs: New post: Sucked back into the mainstream #edreform #
- RT @D_Aarons: PoliticsK12: Blog: 1,669 'i3' Applications Received by Education Department #edreform #
- RT @kausmickey: M. Kinsley on why Barbara Boxer's anti-bailout grandstanding is mostly a self-protective fraud http://tinyurl.com/23g9y2f #
- RT @Eduflack: RT @edReformer: Congressman George Miller talks about the need for data to evaluate teachers #edreform #
- RT @matthewktabor: @nsvf re: "What does success look like?" No, not when achievement gap disappears. It's when all kids have met the goals. #
- RT @EdEquality: RT @nsvf: What does success look like? Howard Fuller says, when the Achievement Gap has been closed. #NSVF #edgap #edreform #
- Bloombergism run amock. RT @urbanophile: A Place of Sense: Indy's Monument Circle and the Legacy of East Liberty – http://is.gd/c7Ssm #
- RT @EdEquality: RT @dropoutnation Why School Reform Can Succeed (#edreform/optimism vs. trad. ed pessimism over #edgap #
- RT @andreagl: Interesting @dropoutnation Education's Reality Check (#education/layoffs) https://dropoutnation.net/j0b #edreform #
- His Kung Fu skills aren't even lousy (I'd almost pay to see it). RT @daveweigel: George Will spitting hot fire on Greece at Cato dinner. #
- Won't happen. RT @lindseyburke03: RT @ewerickson @kstutz: In. Gov. Daniels seriously considering prez race. http://ow.ly/1KRgu #mitchdaniels #
- RT @harvinmoore New Study Confirms we are Living on Lake Wobegon/98% of the Teachers Above Average #edreform #edgap #
- Proof that far too many of our teachers shouldn't teach. If you don't believe that every child can learn, please leave the classroom. #
- If you don't believe that every child should get the education they need to write their own story, please leave the classroom. #
- If you believe in damning the poorest children of all colors with low expectations, please leave the classroom. #
- When 89% of alternative ed students aspire to attend college — and many of their teachers think they should aspire for something lower… #
- Then it pretty much tells you who should be in the classroom — and who should not. #
- Our hopes should overcome our pessimism, especially in K-12. If all you are is pessimism and you have no hope, please, leave the classroom. #
- The kids don't need you there. And those of us who know every child can succeed don't want you there either. #
- This also goes for the principal, the assistant principal, the dean and their bosses in central. Leave the classrooms and leave the schools #
- This also goes for the #NEA and the #AFT Leave our schools. #
- As the saying goes, you are either part of the solution or part of the problem. And we don't have time for your problems. #
- My grandmother never told me I achieve anything. No one ever accused me of "acting white". My neighbors called me the professor… #
- My grandmother never told me I achieve anything. No one ever accused me of "acting white". My neighbors called me the professor… #BlackEd #
- Before we become that we want to be, we become that which the people around us wish us to be. Think about it when you see a child #BlackEd #
- RT @chrisemdin: I was more inspired by teachers who told me I wouldn't make it than those who felt I could but stayed silent #blacked #
- @elizabethonline Thank you for your kind words. in reply to elizabethonline #
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