- RT @AndresHenriquez: Nation's Report Card: TUDA Reading '09 will B released May 20th at 10 am.http://bit.ly/b3RJ1S #literacy #UrbanEd #
- RT @Dyrnwyn: In NJ, Opportunity Scholarship Act in the news: http://tinyurl.com/26r4usf Hearing/rally on 5.13 @ 10 am. #njosa #edreform #
- @jerridkruse You underestimate the ability of tests to measure learning, improve performance. Check out this report: in reply to jerridkruse #
- @jerridkruse Just as importantly, given the $528 billion America spends on education, it is critical to measure how children are learning in reply to jerridkruse #
- @jerridkruse and how well teachers are teaching. Asking taxpayers to give and give without accountability is ridiculous and irresponsible. in reply to jerridkruse #
- @jerridkruse And for teachers to teach without knowing how well their students are doing, for parents to not know objectively how their kids in reply to jerridkruse #
- @jerridkruse are fairing, and for students to not know (beyond the instinctive) how they are doing in school is even more irresponsible. in reply to jerridkruse #
- @jerridkruse Again, if you can't pass the test, you aren't learning the subject. It doesn't matter if it is an essay, multiple-choice or in reply to jerridkruse #
- @jerridkruse otherwise. Sometimes, the facts simply speak for itself. in reply to jerridkruse #
- @jerridkruse Thanks for your reply. in reply to jerridkruse #
- Good. RT @christinegeith: Arizona ed reforms include math, science experts teaching w/o cert. by ed schools #edreform #
- We already know certification and teacher quality aren't correlated at all. Certification doesn't guarantee quality. #
- At Dropout Nation: Education's Reality Check (#education and layoffs) https://dropoutnation.net/j0b #edreform #teachers #TQ #
- @irasocol: At some point, can we stop with the "cabal" references to people with whom you disagree? #
- @irasocol: You're are far too talented to resort to that kind of demagoguery. #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Read to Your Boys (#literacy and #edgaps https://dropoutnation.net/nog #BlackEd #education #edreform #
- RT @nsvf: Edu-preneurs have to get their hands dirty and deal with the policy aspects of our work – Kevin Chavous #NSVF #
- @nsvf And policy wonks need to get their hands dirty, get out of the Beltway and work with grassroots activists/parents on the ground. in reply to nsvf #
- @irasocol Oh, dear Ira. It's sad that you think less of my capacity for reaching an opposite position than yours. in reply to irasocol #
- @irasocol It shows that you have little capacity to think of people as sentient beings capable of reaching their own conclusions. in reply to irasocol #
- @irasocol When you're able to realize this, then your own rhetoric will be the better for it. Until then, it is still in utero. in reply to irasocol #
- @irasocol Again, people can reach opposite conclusions by looking at the evidence. And given my rather capable ability to research… in reply to irasocol #
- @irasocol and make judgements, your condescension is more hilarious than insulting. Thanks. in reply to irasocol #
- @ninasonovia Thanks for the RTs. in reply to ninasonovia #
- @irasocol I don't have time to be angry. Impatient? Yes. Passionate? Certainly. Indignant? Sure. But anger is a waste. I got work to do. in reply to irasocol #
- @irasocol Anger will not solve our dropout crisis. Driven action will. in reply to irasocol #
- RT @ninasonovia: RT @dropoutnation: Education's Reality Check (#education and layoffs) https://dropoutnation.net/j0b #edreform #teachers #TQ #
- RT @Trace_Urdan: Blaming the students RT @DianeRav: Charters siphon off ablest students, leave the rest for public schools, weakening them. #
- At Dropout Nation: Education's Reality Check (#education and layoffs) https://dropoutnation.net/j0b #edreform #teachers #TQ #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Read to Your Boys (#literacy and male-female #edgaps https://dropoutnation.net/nog #edreform #gradrate #
- RT @EdEquality H. Fuller: "Think where we would have been in America if MLK had been polite?"Pushing #nsvf to get radical,serious! #edreform #
- RT @Mebutke: Fuller: "We have to confront some of these people when they are wrong… standing in the way of saving our children." #edreform #
- RT @elizabeth_green Fuller: "We got our Bull Connors" [trying to keep kids] from getting out of [failing schools]. #BlackEd #edreform #
- @jerridkruse Not much, Jerrid. Although schools use lunch services and testing firms, most of the funding goes directly to teachers, staff. in reply to jerridkruse #
- @jerridkruse Nationally, on average, sixty-one percent of school spending goes to salaries. 20 percent of salaries goes to benefits. in reply to jerridkruse #
- @jerridkruse Objectivity isn't a myth. This doesn't mean that it isn't hard to get the most-objective data. But it does exist. in reply to jerridkruse #
- @jerridkruse After all, if the sun rises, there is no way one can say it doesn't. #OhComeOnSeriously in reply to jerridkruse #
- @jerridkruse Here's your problem, Jerrid (and this goes for most teachers, and for most people), you don't want accountability, in reply to jerridkruse #
- @jerridkruse at least, not accountability that isn't on your terms. Join the crowd. No one really does. But that isn't life. in reply to jerridkruse #
- @jerridkruse Because American public education, for the moment, doesn't actually hold anyone accountable (save for the students), teachers in reply to jerridkruse #
- @jerridkruse have a fairly easy accountability system. You will be evaluated based on a couple of observations by a principal who only in reply to jerridkruse #
- @jerridkruse sees your work at some preappointed time. So you can perform the best at that moment. If the principal concludes the work in reply to jerridkruse #
- @jerridkruse is unsatisfactory, it can be disputed in a dismissal system that is often onerous for the school district and is rarely used. in reply to jerridkruse #
- @jerridkruse In any case, a binding arbitration panel must then figure out whether the observations were biased. in reply to jerridkruse #
- @jerridkruse There's no objective data and therefore, no one is held accountable. The problem of such a system is that great teachers in reply to jerridkruse #
- @jerridkruse and hey, you might be one, don't ever get rewarded for outstanding work. You then have to work alongside teachers who aren't in reply to jerridkruse #
- @jerridkruse working hard either. If the observation-based system of evaluation was ever used, it wouldn't bear out any of your hard work. in reply to jerridkruse #
- @jerridkruse In short, what you currently have may suit your philosophy, but it doesn't reward anyone. And it doesn't help students. in reply to jerridkruse #
- @jerridkruse At least with testing, you have the most-objective available data that bears out performance. Perfect? No. But the best. in reply to jerridkruse #
- @jerridkruse Why? Because it usually stands up to scrutiny time and time again. The fact that kids who are testing poorly on a state test in reply to jerridkruse #
- @jerridkruse and fairs even worse on NAEP (which is a much-more rigorous assessment) points out that the kids aren't alright. in reply to jerridkruse #
- @jerridkruse You may not think it is learning. But the student can't pass the test, the student hasn't learned. Period. in reply to jerridkruse #
- @jerridkruse Thanks for your response. in reply to jerridkruse #
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