- Race to the Top–of What? https://dropoutnation.net/rtt (The potential, problems of #RttT and its competition model) #edreform #edpolicy #
- RT @cnnbrk: CNN confirms Obama to pick U.S. Solicitor General Elena Kagan as U.S. Supreme Court nominee http://on.cnn.com/biAZwy #
- RT @nsvf @tvanderark: WSJ on Newark #edreform and Mayor Booker: more from him next term? #BlackEd #
- Rest in Peace, Lena Horne. All the Best. #
- RT @R_Colvin: Hechinger Report | Q&A with Randi Weingarten of the #AFT #edreform #TQReform #TW #
- RT @ThadMcCotter: "Stormy Weather" by Lena Horne, who once said, "I'm me, and I'm like nobody else." Amen and Rest in Peace, Ms. Horne. #
- Yup. RT @JoanneLeeJacobs: New blog post: Are seniority layoffs unfair to poor kids? #TQ #education #edreform #
- Michigan may drop Algebra II as H.S. grad. reqmt, substituting w/equally hard statistics. Should require both #edreform #
- As Orfield crowd complains about segregation: RT@NOLAnews: Bill may force NOLA charter schools to zone to neighborhoods #
- RT @ErinSylvan @dropoutnation: The Dropout Nation Podcast: Read to Your Boys (#literacy and #edgaps https://dropoutnation.net/nog #
- Expect folks who complain that wealthy aren't philanthropic to complain they are using money to back charter schools. http://nyti.ms/cto91t #
- After all, the issue isn't about hedge funds, giving, but about their opposition to charter schools, #edreform #schoolchoice, #parentpower #
- To which I respond: When you donate your time, money, energy to dealing with the issues facing poor children, #edgaps .. #
- And when you tell #NEA #AFT leaders, to embrace #tenurereform reform of teachers compensation, then your opinion will be worth my time. #
- We should welcome everyone who is willing to donate time and money to improving the lives of children, not denigrate them. #
- RT @MBAENews: MA launches recruitment for great teachers to come to struggling schools in urban districts http://is.gd/c2xAa #edreform #
- RT @MBAENews: MA outreach at http://www.amazingteachers.org may bring #edreform minded-educators where needed most #
- At Dropout Nation: Four Thoughts on Teacher Quality https://dropoutnation.net/kt3 #edreform #teachers #TQ #UrbanEd #
- @daveweigel Yup. Specter is going down. Clearly. in reply to daveweigel #
- RT @educationweek: Boys & Reading: Dropout Nation, which is doing some valuable… https://dropoutnation.net/nog #edgap #
- RT @MarcSean86: Obama speaking at Hampton: pass that sense of an education’s value down to your children http://nyti.ms/aqncBd #BlackEd #
- RT @R2TheTopNY: Last In, First Out rules hurt #NYC kids. Sign petition to Keep Great Teachers: http://www.KeepGreatTeachers.org #edreform #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Read to Your Boys (#literacy and #edgaps https://dropoutnation.net/nog #BlackEd #education #edreform #
- At Dropout Nation: Four Thoughts on Teacher Quality https://dropoutnation.net/kt3 #edreform #teachers #TQ #UrbanEd #MartinHaberman #
- In Mass., L. Noonan and a corporate exec urge districts to sign on to #RttT Rd. 2: http://is.gd/c3apb (RT @MBAENews) #edreform #edpolicy #
- In D.C., CFO blesses new #DCPS contract. $10 million in new funding found #edreform #MichelleRhee #
- Meanwhile, in D.C., old scandal is revived, may doom #Fenty rival Gray's bid for mayor; good news for #Rhee #edreform #
- Also doesn't have contratct w/#NEA local. RT @ToughLoveforX:Colo. District Boots Trad. Pay #edreform #education #
- My thought on Harkin #ARRA 2 bill: It has almost no chance of passing. This doesn't mean it won't happen. But fiscal moderate Ds don't want #
- to tempt political fate. DNC may need the bodies, but Harkin's fellow Ds on Senate side have their own agenda. #
- Off-ed: Sullivan tries the old Out magazine trick w/Kagan. Tabin notes he's "not a serious person." So true. #SCOTUS #
- RT @justinkmcfarlin @DrStevePerry If you get more excited about sports or fashion than education, your child will too. #BlackEd #parentpower #
- Back to Kagan/Sullivan: Who cares what you do in your closet. Just as long as your actions follow accordingly. In short: No Larry Craigs. #
- @balmeras A beautiful air sandwich in reply to balmeras #
- If that low. RT @THINK_together: #DYK 32% of California's students won't graduate from H.S. in four years? #edreform #
- In Sacramento, school district there has at least $560 million in unfunded retirement liabilities. http://bit.ly/94FkNz #edreform #pensions #
- For the entire county of Sacramento — a.k.a Calif's state capital — total unfunded liabilities is $1 billion. #
- Ladies & gentlemen, the status quo in teacher compensation can no longer continue. Too expensive for adults. Far too ineffective for kids. #
- Lovely. RT @therebull: Striking union teachers vandalize successful charter school: #ca #oakland #edreform #
- @ToughLoveforX In one sense, yes, because #RandiWeingarten is finally putting action where her mouth is on reforming evaluations> in reply to ToughLoveforX #
- @ToughLoveforX No, because, as Mike Antonucci points out, the #AFT has just one local in the state. Backing reform is small stakes for it. in reply to ToughLoveforX #
- @ToughLoveforX #NEA is a much-bigger player in Colorado. Has more to lose with tenure reform. in reply to ToughLoveforX #
- @ToughLoveforX That said, the #AFT is more likely to embrace some #edreform Here's one piece I wrote on it: https://dropoutnation.net/bfr in reply to ToughLoveforX #
- @ToughLoveforX Agreed. Any small step is better than none. in reply to ToughLoveforX #
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