- Avoids Bill Perkins. But goes to Assembly, where hopes die. RT @tvanderark: In NYS, senate approvals lift of charter schools cap. #edreform #
- RT @pienetwork: LAT endorses #RttT strategy initially floated by EdTrust to have school districts apply for funding #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Save 150 Teens An Hour (why #edreform is needed) https://dropoutnation.net/sos #edgap #gradrate #
- RiShawn Biddle: The Last Shall Not Be First (reverse seniority and layoff of #teachers https://dropoutnation.net/lez #edreform #TQ #edgap #
- RT @EDU_Reform: RT @tvanderark: In, NJ, Gov Christie pushes for #edreform choice #edreform #NEA/#NJEA #
- Speaks for itself RT @arotherham: Mr./Mrs. I Don't Give A Fu*k running away with the DC #AFT election in D.C. http://tinyurl.com/26g2zaq #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Save 150 Teens An Hour (why#edreform is needed) https://dropoutnation.net/sos #edgap #gradrate #
- RT @everybodywins @dropoutnation: Dropout Nation: Why Reading Matters #literacy #edreform #NAEP #AtlantaPublicSchools #
- @DR_E_WATERS Thanks. Got it on my schedule. in reply to DR_E_WATERS #
- My related piece: https://dropoutnation.net/lez RT @DA_magazine: News: Calif. Districts Face Tough Choices #TQ #teachers #
- Alan Gottlieb opines on Colo. #tenurereform bill, #RttT "fearmongering of @DianeRav and others. http://huff.to/9H6X14 #
- Gottlieb notes that perhaps the problem of #RttT and #edreform supporters is they are too nuanced while combatting those who just say no. #
- Gottlieb might be right. Politically, #edreform activists may need to be less nuanced, play the political game smartly. #
- Once again, I say The inside-the-Beltway #edreform groups need to get out of DC, ally with grassroots activists, get some bodies on ground. #
- A roundtable in DC at 12 p.m. will achieve something inside the Capitol. But it won't sustain efforts in Albany. Or on the streets of Indy. #
- In short: Play for keeps — which is what #NEA #AFT are doing — or stop playing. Period. #
- #edreform has won the day thusfar because #education is in crisis. It has won because trad. ed defenders have nothing to offer. But… #
- you don't need much to defend the status quo. Just "no" and blame it on the kids (and their parents). #
- RT @ivangosorio: RT @jacobgrier Ore. has lowest rate of childhood obesity. Also lots of fast food spots and no soda tax #
- @readywriting I'll definitely be following. in reply to readywriting #
- RT @Dyrnwyn: Transcript/video of keynote at American Federation of Children National Policy Summit #edreform #
- RT @DR_E_WATERS: 05.11.10 Natl Dropout Prev Ctr/network radio webcast 3:30-4:30 http://www.http://www.dropoutprevention.org/webcast/ #
- RT @DR_E_WATERS: @dropoutnation Tu 05.11.10 Natl Dropout Prev Ctr/network radio webcast 3:30-4:30 http://www.dropoutprevention.org/webcast/ #
- Off-ed: Among the think tanks: Overlawyered's Walter Olson leaves MI, joins Cato #
- RT @Kidlutions: Children can sniff out a fake. They know when you genuinely care about them! #ECE #teachers #educators #edreform #school #
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