• The Dropout Nation Podcast: Save 150 Teens An Hour (why #edreform is needed) https://dropoutnation.net/sos #eddata #edgap #gradrate #
  • Agreed. RT @therebull: NY State Sen. Bill Perkins is traitor to Harlem. Can't wait to see him defeated. #edreform #
  • RT @DR_E_WATERS: Save this topic for #BlackEd next Th. RT @dropoutnation The Dropout Nation Podcast: Finding Courageous http://tl.gd/13qja9 #
  • RT @edreformer highlights The Five Great Reforms that could bring substantial education change nationally: #edreform #
  • RT @DouglasCrets: J.Tozzi's take on benefit corporations: y not look closely @ education start up evolution? #edreform #
  • Especially when it comes to #DPS #edreform RT @Jespy: Detroit Mayor Dave Bing: "We have to define Detroit ourselves." #NAACPDetroit #
  • RT @tvanderark: EdTrust: no more free $; end L-I-F-O seniority-based layoffs in #ARRA 2 bill #edreform #edequality #
  • RT @KatrinaNation: Dana Goldstein's smart takedown of NYT's cover story on charter schools/ Must-read: #
  • How Bad Are College Graduation Rates #highered #edreform #
  • RT @whisper1111: @KatrinaNation as a charter school teacher, more interested in dialogue a/b what schools are for before they are assessed #
  • Congrats RT @DR_E_WATERS: @ Lincoln U grad. Attending: E Waters (92) N H Waters Jr (54) N H Waters, III (80) N H Waters, IV (10). #BlackEd #
  • RT @DR_E_WATERS: Must read blog post #BlackEd #Testimonial #edreform #
  • RT @JTTallman: Poizner: "Charter schools…are the ultimate in public schools." #cagovdebate #edreform #
  • Thinking of United Airlines. Or, actually, probably the most-brilliant use of George Gershwin by a commercial entity #

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