- Probably. #edreform ers should see this as opportunity. RT @urbanophile: Will govt pensions be next to go bust? – http://is.gd/bMVQU #
- @urbanophile Oh yeah, Indiana's teachers retirement fund has been busted for the past two decades. in reply to urbanophile #
- RT @christinegeith @tvanderark: high school rapidly becoming blend of #onlinelearning onsite support #edreform #edtech #
- Marcus Winters on #teachertenure and seniority-based layoffs. #edreform #TQ #
- @NavigationFdtn I'm flattered to be considered. Send me a DM and I can send over my e-mail address. in reply to NavigationFdtn #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Finding Courageous Politicians for School Reform https://dropoutnation.net/jmq #edreform #TQ #education #
- RT @TPCarney: Citi joins Obama, Dodd, Goldman in battle against Wall Street ( creepy loyalty oaths exacted by WH) #
- RT @darahbonham: @CameronHerold's video on teaching and living entrepreneurship w/ kids (via @ann1622 ) #edreform #
- Want to start a charter school in D.C.? FOCUS is offering a seminar May 13th 6 p.m. http://www.focusdc.org/ #edreform #
- D.C. Education fund hosting Art Night for #DCPS art students on May 5th. More at #education #edreform #
- Alliance for Excellent Education looking for Director of Federal Advocacy, Senior Legislative Associate. http://www.all4ed.org #
- RT @gothamschools: Wendy Kopp at MI dinner: After 20 years of TFA there are now 200-300 high-performing urban schools in U.S. #edreform #
- RT @EducationSector: Teachers, Leaders , & Turnarounds: #edreform #TQ #
- @RobertTalbert Although Jobs offers a compelling reason or two, the reality is that for Apple, it's all about control and about the money in reply to RobertTalbert #
- @RobertTalbert Flash-based apps would devastate Apple's app store revenues because it's so easy for anyone with skill to create one. in reply to RobertTalbert #
- @dropoutnation And, at the end of the day, Apple is just 14 percent of smartphone sales (which still means it is a drop in bucket). in reply to dropoutnation #
- @RobertTalbert And, at the end of the day, Apple is just 14 % of smartphone sales. Android, RIM is adding Flash. Flash is here to stay. in reply to RobertTalbert #
- RT @josephlawler: RT @AmSpec: Re: David Frum: There He Goes Again #
- RT @disabilityscoop: In Shift, NYC Department of EdTo Mainstream Most Special Education Students #edreform #sped #
- @RobertTalbert it can be from a designer's perspective. Flash offers the advantage of numerous easy-to-use templates, often well tested in reply to RobertTalbert #
- @RobertTalbert The other thing is that HTML5 is not even fully adapted. Only Safari and Opera (I think) are able to render HTML5. in reply to RobertTalbert #
- @RobertTalbert and from a viewer perspective, the video media used w/HTML5 is rather clunky and of inferior quality. It will get better, but in reply to RobertTalbert #
- @RobertTalbert as of yet, HTML5 video is a step backward. But for many in tech, the problem isn't HTML5, but Apple's penchant for closing in reply to RobertTalbert #
- @RobertTalbert off 3rd party developers a la Microsoft in the 1990s. in reply to RobertTalbert #
- RT @teachintexas: The Dropout Nation Podcast: Finding Courageous Politicians for School Reform https://dropoutnation.net/jmq #education #
- @daveweigel Actually, Crist is more like (CareerInFreeFall-Fla.) in reply to daveweigel #
- Hechinger's Snider rips into WSJ teacher absenteeism article for legit and not-so-legit reasons #edreform #
- Legit reason: WSJ argues teachers miss more days than allowed in contract, but fails to consider that sick days can be banked. #
- Less leg reasons: Snider notes source cites own research–even as he notes few study connection between absenteeism, student progress #
- In the next hour, 150 teenagers will drop out of high school. Think about it. Then try to say there's no crisis in American education #
- RT @ndcollier: @readtoday There are many ways to "contribute to the community." Mentoring, tutoring, donating money, space, ideas #BlackEd #
- Just do something. Be an activist for our children. We need you. More importantly, our children need you #BlackEd #edreform #
- RT @lizaweidle: #momcongress webcast on ed.gov, parenting.com, georgetown.edu May 3 at 10:45 with Secretary of Education Arne Duncan #edu #
- RT @ileducprof: Community org , schools, social service are asking for more people of color to help assist w/ teaching, students. #BlackEd #
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