- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Finding Courageous Politicians for School Reform https://dropoutnation.net/jmq #edreform #TQ #RttT #
- RT @BCPSLibMediaK12: RT @ToughLoveforX: http://ilnk.me/2530 #edreform in UK and Sweden (including charter schools) #
- RT @GilmerFreePress: Charter schools have moved to the forefront of WVa. public policy… #edreform #RttT #
- RT @RSSmolly: In Harlem, parents looking for primary challenger to charter schools foe Bill Perkins http://ow.ly/17aqXu #edreform #RttT #
- @DR_E_WATERS No problem. Thanks for the RTs as well. Right now, getting over the flu and cranking out the work. Build those footprints. in reply to DR_E_WATERS #
- Walkman principle: RT @edubrew: 10 years ago, I thought that high fidelity was future of music. Turns out, it was portability/convenience. #
- Houston ISD Sup. Grier discusses his teacher evalulation/#TQ reform efforts. #edreform #teachers #
- NYTimes looks at NYC's #edreform of seniority-based teacher layoff (last in/first out) rules. http://nyti.ms/aS1asR #TQ #teachers #
- “There has to be the willingness and the conviction to fight for the most vulnerable… #
- “even if it means going against some of the most powerful allies that have funded the Democratic Party.” — Calif. St. Sen. Gloria Romero #
- Because they shift district-based paradigm of #edu RT @CharterInsights: Why are people surprised about charter schools? #
- School is one of the few experiences everyone has had. Those w/great experiences w/school think things are okay. Those who haven't disagree. #
- And most of us don't notice the classmates who dropped out, whose educational experiences were awful, who suffered through bad instruction. #
- Meanwhile those who benefit from the trad. public education system aren't interested in giving anything up, even for improving quality of ed #
- RT @bigswifty: VA chucks portfolio tests for stdnts w/ disabilities that obscured achievement gaps #edreform #
- Need for courageous politicians for #edreform Colo. #TQ bill has support (from districts/reformers), opposition (#NEA) #
- RT @DR_E_WATERS @dropoutnation Dropout Nation Podcast: Finding Courageous Politicians for School Reform https://dropoutnation.net/jmq #edu #
- Off-ed: RT @stevejmoore: Glad to see the #Royals have sunk comfortably back into that old easy chair that is last place. #fb #
- RT @dlg1972: @ChitownStu @COSEBOC holds conference. More at http://www.coseboc.org. Speakers will be online shortly. #edreform #BlackEd #
- RT @CharterInsights: RT @COCharterXaminr: http://ow.ly/1CQeX Colo #NEA unit comes out against SB 191 (#teachertenure #edreform #TQ #
- RT @JoanJaeckel: Charter schools eruption shows the democratic spirit of public ed can no longer be contained by centralized authoritities. #
- RT @JoanJaeckel: The way to make charter schools 'fair' is… to give every school the power to innovate, form its own personality #edreform #
- In NJ, #schoolchoice measure advances in the legislature. #edreform (Via @coopemike48) #ChrisChristie #
- RT @allen_tonya: Val. Jarrett: Arne Duncan learned there is nothing wrong with our children, it is the adults who need help #edreform #cof10 #
- #headshaker of the week: Is there a "Death of the Public Schools"? Last I checked, no. According to this guy, yes #
- RT @TammieJones: Haycock: Don't accept excuses from schools. Great teachers can overcome poverty – data shows this! #cof10 #edreform #
- How smart. L.A. teachers go on hunger strike to protest budget cuts, reality #headshaker #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Finding Courageous Politicians for School Reform https://dropoutnation.net/jmq #edreform #TQ #Crist #
- A rule for effective PR: If you want your views taken seriously, don't appear on "Democracy Now" or write for FrontPage. Just saying. #
- RT @indyrallen: 'The trouble with socialism is socialism. The trouble with capitalism is capitalists.' http://tinyurl.com/2edk7pf #
- Not a bad idea. RT @azjd: Programs Train Teachers Using Medical School Model #edreform http://icio.us/jbzg5z #edreform #TQ #
- RT @IDEAmoneywatch: Utah: Some school districts retain piles of ARRA #sped funds #education #specialed #ARRA #
- Most boys will never be taught by men. RT @alpha1906: @kimhurns Think about this: Most black kids will NEVER have a black man as a teacher. #
- Let's add a caveat to that. Most boys will never be taught by men in elementary grades. Men make up 44 percent of HS/MS teachers. #
- Black men and women account for only 7.2% of all teachers in the U.S., according to the U.S. Dept. of Education. Latinos? Only 4.2% #
- African-Americans make up only 6.2 percent of H.S./M.S. teachers in public schools. #
- Females make up 83 percent of all elementary school teachers. #
- Meanwhile Latino teachers make up only 5.5 percent of H.S./M.S. teachers. #
- @avalonsensei After doing some checking, you are right. Apologies. in reply to avalonsensei #
- Way to quick to re-tweet. (Hands-slap five times) #
- Jonetta Rose Barras gives #AdrianFenty opponent Gray the business. Proclaims he runs city council like old #DCPS board #
- In N.J., state doesn't track performance of students in HOPE-scholarship style plan #education #
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