- @Thatsrightnate Thanks, Nate. Of course, you misinterpret Duncan's actual statement. But that's your choice. in reply to Thatsrightnate #
- @KTsDivaMom What is "garbage" about a bill that deals w/a rather real issue: The fact that high-quality teachers aren't rewarded for work… in reply to KTsDivaMom #
- @KTsDivaMom while poor-performing teachers and those burned out of the profession remain protected from consequences. Please explain. in reply to KTsDivaMom #
- @KTsDivaMom @KTsDivaMom Offer an argument, not just ad-hominems. in reply to KTsDivaMom #
- RT @tvanderark: The new Learning Landscape; 10 principles of the new #edu employment bargain #edreform #edequality #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Iron Forges Iron (Helping young black men) https://dropoutnation.net/ifi #edreform #BlackEd #
- Joining the rest of ATL RT @urbanophile: NYT: Atlanta Journal-Constitution moves its own operations to the suburbs – http://is.gd/bvsCj #
- Don't agree w/much of essay, but interesting nonetheless. RT @tonnet: The less visible side of #edreform http://is.gd/bvokG #education #
- RT @Ragtagduo: Now the link! Great insights on #RttT Phase 2 for RI and others from DFER, EEF etc. #edreform #
- I wouldn't recommend this approach, but…RT @RobertTalbert: High-achieving students sail through life without degree: #
- More reasons to not own an iPhone RT @mathewi: Pulitzer-winning cartoonist Fiore can't have iPhone app #
- @Thatsrightnate Oh, Nate. 1) alleged. 2) Judge by results. 3) Has as much right to tell us about the right to quality ed as you and I do. in reply to Thatsrightnate #
- @Thatsrightnate And if all three of us are saying that, then we'd all be right. Again, thanks for your thoughts. Have a nice day. in reply to Thatsrightnate #
- Rewind: The Dropout Nation Podcast: The High Cost of Teacher Pay https://dropoutnation.net/um6 #edreform #TQ #
- RT @MBAENews: Lehigh right on target about Boston Teachers Union role in AFT-MA #rttt opposition http://is.gd/bvuoh #edreform #
- RiShawn Biddle: Charlie's Teachable Moment (Fla. Gov. flip-flops on SB 6 #TQ #tenure #edreform https://dropoutnation.net/fla #
- More thqn usual? RT @dgblankinship: Public universities talking about seeking more dollars from the feds. #highered #
- @dgblankinship they get plenty of dollars from the feds through student aid/FASFA. It isn't direct, but w/o student aid and guaranteed loans in reply to dgblankinship #
- @dgblankinship unis wouldn't be able to increase funding (through tuition increases) every year. in reply to dgblankinship #
- RT @lioncaller: big surprise. RT @Microsoft: "Apple software security inferior to Microsoft’s, says iconic hacker" ^LG #
- More on higher ed funding: http://rishawnbiddle.org/RRB/research/hechinger_budget_cuts_brief.pdf #highered #
- Empire strikes back? RT @Zimteachnetwork: Judge puts hold on Bobb's academic plan for Detroit schools #edreform #edgap #
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