- At Dropout Nation: Voices of the Dropout Nation: Bill Betzen on Stemming Dropouts in Dallas https://dropoutnation.net/fx8 #edreform #edgap #
- RT @OpinionZone: Marcus A. Winters: Public schools should experiment like charter schools #edreform #
- At Dropout Nation: Watch: Howard Fuller Explains Parent Power https://dropoutnation.net/6uc #ParentPower #edreform #SchoolChoice #
- Thank you for kind words RT @parcep: Six Steps Toward Building Parent Power podcast from @dropoutnation: Good stuff! #
- RT @EdEquality @dropoutnation Watch: Howard Fuller(EEP sig.) Explain #ParentPower #edreform #SchoolChoice #edgap #
- RT @DeronDurflinger: Its starts with the principal (via @downing413 ) We need to lead the change! #i11i #vanmeter #
- RT @ChadRatliff: RT @chadsansing: short piece on Indiana virtual charter schools, what they are/are not #edreform #
- RT @lmtv: Tune to PBS NewsHour tonight for latest story on Paul Vallas's efforts in New Orleans, this time focusing on alternative schools. #
- Expect #NEA affiliate opposition. RT @coopmike48: In Wash., Gregoire asks all school districts to join in #RttT http://ow.ly/170tK4 #
- RT @OKGOPHOUSE: In OK, Expansion of charter schools allowed under leg. passed in house committee: http://tinyurl.com/ye8g5zp #edreform #
- RT @ClaytonMuhammad: RT @Thanks2Teachers: PLEASE RETWEET the Free E-Copy of my book, Teaching as an Act of Love #
- RT @EdEquality: EEP statement on ground-breaking new teacher contract in DC. Props to Randi & Michelle! #edreform #
- Jim Horn stirs up the racial bogeyman thing again in re charter schools #headshaker #
- In Chicago, the Black Star Project issues another call-to-action to rally 1,000 mentors #YouthViolence #grassroots #
- In TX, Gov. Perry, Dem. opponent White, spar over Lone Star State's true high school #gradrate #education #
- Philadelphia Public Schools Notebook offers a nice compendium of #gradrate dropout stats #edreform #
- EdSector: "It's hard to say whether [new contract] mean's big changes for #DCPS " #edreform #TQ #MichelleRhee #
- Sign of growing role of #edreform in Election 2010: In Md., BSun gives fr. Gov. Ehrlich credit on charter schools plan http://ow.ly/170wcw #
- RT @tvanderark: AEI proclaims most state/districts bankrupt due to #pension liability; $3t underfunded http://bit.ly/c8Am4n #edpolicy #
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