• Coming Sun: The Dropout Nation Podcast: Five Steps for Building Parent Power at http://www.dropoutnation.net #edreform #parentpower #grassroots #
  • Advanced teacher degrees = useless for student progress. RT @CharterInsights: http://ow.ly/1ufjS Why pay more for packaging? #edreform #TQ #
  • Nice. Cato's McCluskey: @DianeRav, contrary to her WaPo claims, was never a #SchoolChoice supporter. #edreform #
  • Honestly, given the factchecking given by so many, one would think edboards would stop paying @DianeRav any mind. Consorting to revisionism #
  • In L.A., #AFT local fails to restrict charter schools from participating in #LAUnified #edreform (of sorts these days) #
  • RT @JoanneLeeJacobs: New blog post: Escalante delivered, but system didn't #edreform #TQ #
  • @ToughLoveforX Thanks. Looking at it now. in reply to ToughLoveforX #
  • At Dropout Lessons: Twelve Lessons School Reformers Should Know https://dropoutnation.net/12L #edreform #ChildWelfare #
  • At EducationNews.org, Michael Shaughnessy interviews RIF's Stephen Leach about reading strategies and more #literacy #
  • Today's Maxim: RT @ClaytonMuhammad: We don’t fail in life because we aimed too high & missed. We fail in life because we aimed too low & hit #
  • RT @bigswifty: @EdEquality's Winn with a nice #rttt themed tribute to Jaime Escalante #
  • Dear Event Planners: Any forum that features an appearance by anyone from FairTest isn't exactly one that will be taken seriously. #
  • RT @Zimteachnetwork: Jaime Escalante didn't just stand and deliver. He changed US schools forever #edreform #
  • Cato's McCluskey issues a mea culpa in re Ravitch #
  • Make that Cato's McCluskey issues a partial mea culpa in re Ravitch #
  • Maybe. RT @tvanderark: 3×5 learning revolution; 15 reasons #edtech #OnlineLearning will really make an impact #edreform #
  • Another #headshaker from someone in "Student Advocacy" RT @brigidaThenhaus: Charter schools are not the solution #
  • Charter schools aren't the only solution — there isn't one silver bullet — but those who think charters are bogeymen fail to consider that #
  • students shouldn't be stuck attending dropout factories and academic failure mills. They shouldn't wait till "the system" is fixed. And #
  • honestly, traditional public education — in the form of school districts — doesn't match what students and parents need: Options. Rigor… #
  • the ability to hold schools accountable. Parental engagement and student engagement matters. It's time to make it a reality. #
  • This is the thing: Anything that helps engage more parents in the education of their students is always a good thing. Be it charters, PTAs #
  • even Parent Trigger legislation. As long as we get parents involved and, ultimately, we improve the chances that every child will succeed. #
  • @ChadRatliff You're welcome! in reply to ChadRatliff #
  • @tvanderark Interesting. I definitely think #edtech advances could help improve grad rates and keep potential dropouts in school. in reply to tvanderark #
  • At Dropout Nation: Race to the Top: The Long View (Round One Edition) https://dropoutnation.net/qyy #edreform #ArneDuncan #RttT #
  • Since @RobertTalbert is mentioning pita, I'll show you brunch at RiShawn Biddle HQ http://tweetphoto.com/17038295 #
  • Just saw the iPad. Looks nice. Still not impressed. #
  • BTW: Butler in the National Championship. Very nice! Especially that beat Mich. St. Part #CalledIt #IHateMichState #
  • Now, it's time for the Mountaineers to deliver. #NoDuke #
  • @TammieJones @tvanderark Thanks for the RTs in reply to TammieJones #
  • @RobertTalbert I call them crepecakes. Slightly thicker than a crepe, but thinner than a pancake. My fiancee's favorite. I also do crepes. in reply to RobertTalbert #
  • My response: RT @Edubeat: Test and punish doesn't work (Monty Neill in USA Today): #edreform #

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