You seen the bird. Do what he says.

  • NYP notes poverty cries don’t work when school spending (w/o CAPEX) is $16K/yr #edreform (RT @tonnet @spedteacher) #
  • Part of problem? Much spending goes to central admin staff (2 admin: 1 teacher), and unsustainable #publicpensions benefit deals. #edreform #
  • The spending wouldn’t be a problem if high-performing teachers were rewarded, high-quality curriculum developed as result. This isn’t so. #
  • Rational teachers compensation would help. So would more-efficient school district operations. In some districts, buses are at <70 capacity #
  • And then there are procurement practices that make no sense. Think Detroit, which bought 160 BlackBerry phones, 11 motorcycles. All unusued. #
  • As much as the fiscal problems can be traced to #NEA #AFT contracts, let’s not forgetblame is also w/school bureaucracies/state governments #
  • A sample of my #FollowFriday every Fri: @ToughLoveforX, @ClaytonMuhammad, @ELWATERS, @Eduflack @John_Bailey, @AndresHenriquez #
  • #FollowFriday @RobertTalbert, @EdEquality @edreform, @ivangosorio, @ChadRatliff, @tvanderark #
  • Again, just a sample. Plenty more next Friday. #
  • RT @alexanderrusso: What Would Jaime (Escalante) Do? He stands for national standards, high stakes testing, and “no excuses”. #edreform #
  • RT @alexanderrusso: Many folks now mourning Escalante might not have liked like his no-excuses, high-standards, testing-friendly approach.. #
  • RT @michaelbirnbaum: Lesson from #RttT Rd.1: Obama favors big change, but also prizes peace w/ labor unions. @wpnick: #
  • Charters are pub schools. #headshaker In Jackson, MS, NAACP big says charter schools hurt public ed (RT @JxnFreePress) #
  • RT @matthewktabor: New blog post: Why charter schools call themselves “tuition free,” re: @EdWriters post – #edreform #
  • RT @Aaron_Eyler: I would argue that #edreform has made more strides in last 10 years than previous 20. Still much more room to work with #