- The Detroit News notes how #DPS can learn from #MichelleRhee #039;s efforts at #DCPS Anti-Rhee folks will differ. #edreform #
- Welcome, Richard: RT @R_Colvin: HechingerEd | Charter Schools: Public? Private? Does it Matter?: via @addthis #
- Off-ed: iPad = Whatever. It is as innovative as a netbook. And netbooks are nothing more than underpowered laptops. There. #
- @tenyearplan A lot of things would be cooler than an iPad. A high-quality online learning system that teachers can easily use, for example. in reply to tenyearplan #
- What does a TV guy like WNBC's Gabe Pressman know? RT @azjd: Teaching to the Test, Charter Schools Won't Help http://icio.us/pxm3u5 #hshaker #
- #hshaker = another hashtag for #headshaker #
- At Dropout Nation: Voices of the Dropout Nation: Bill Betzen on Stemming Dropouts in Dallas https://dropoutnation.net/fx8 #edreform #edgap #
- At Dropout Nation: Voices of the Dropout Nation: Bill Betzen on Stemming Dropouts in Dallas https://dropoutnation.net/fx8 #edgap #DISD #
- RT @EdEquality: Hard-hitting Detroit News op-ed telling MI to get on it for #RttT Round II. #edreform #
- RT @huffingtonpost: Newark's peaceful month? City records zero homicides in a month for only 2nd time since 1944. http://huff.to/b4V3Ci #
- Charlott-Mecklenberg, Gwinnett Co. (Ga), El Paso, Tx. among five named 2010 Broad Prize Finalists Named (RT @D_Aarons) #
- RT @ToughLoveforX @dropoutnation: https://dropoutnation.net/fx8 Elegant HS dropout intervention. "Time and Space are the Deep Fundamentals." #
- No shock. RT @EdEquality: Wish this were an April Fools… NY State #RTTT ap. included $200K (!!) for chairs! #edreform #
- RT @MarcSean86: NYC may just need to abandon NYS, submit their own application in presumed #RttT Round 3 #edreform #
- Off-ed RT @daveweigel: BREAKING: Bill Ayers admits that he wrote "Dreams from my Father." #
- RT @ivangosorio: RT @ConserValidity: http://shar.es/mrPWX John Stossel Teacher's union don't work too hard! #edreform #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Steps Toward Developing Better Teachers https://dropoutnation.net/6wp #TQ #edreform #
- #RttT strikes again? RT @steitzerpolitic: In Ky, Senate passes charter schools bill 19-18, GOP Sen. Smith voted no then voted yes. #edreform #
- RT @Edubeat: About one-quarter of East Bay school districts are on the state's "watch list" for insolvency: #edrefom #
- No comment: Turque notes #MichelleRhee #039;s predecessor arguing against her reform effort #edreform #DCPS #
- RT @ELWATERS: We have inaccurately placed white people as our barrier to and gauge for success. #BlackEd #
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