- RT @EdEquality: RI House votes to lift charter cap 69 to 3! Kuds to RI sigs/partners #deborahgist #edreform #charters #
- Listen: The Dropout Nation Podcast: Make It Easier to Improve Teacher Quality https://dropoutnation.net/uub #edpolicy #edreform #TQ #
- RT @EdEquality: Time Mag digs in on the (potential) bipartisan nature of ed reform #ESEA NoChild #edreform #nclb #
- Not in the current BP RT @arotherham: Achievement gaps exist in schools in all communities, will new #ESEA continue to reflect that reality? #
- Jacobs takes on McCluskey, Cato. RT @JoanneLeeJacobs: New blog post: The standards are irrelevant… #edreform #CCore #
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