Check out the Dropout Nation Twitter feed for instant news and updates on the reform of American public education. Here are some select tweets from March 14th:
- RT @eriksyring: RT @tvanderark: From Building a Better Teacher to Building Better Learning #edreform #
- RiShawn Biddle: If You Can’t Beat ‘Em: Can the Teachers Unions Organize Charter Schools? #edreform #RandiWeingarten #
- RT @AndresHenriquez: NYT Editorial “New #standards provide an excellent starting point.” #edreform #NoChild/#ESEA #
- Not from where I sit: RT @sgermeraad: Obama blueprint for #esea requires “dramatic shift in school culture” #edreform #
- “By gutting accountability, these children… will wind up back on public education’s proverbial short buses.” #
- RT @Eduflack: Some initial analysis on ED’s proposed ESEA blueprint — #edreform #
- Well-stated. RT @JoanneLeeJacobs: New blog post: Pure Spite #education #
- Michael Shaughnessy interviews Bill Page about how to improve instruction of at-risk students. #edreform #edgap #
- RT @JoanneLeeJacobs: New blog post: The Purpose of Schools #edreform #education #edpolicy #ARRA #
- Aww. RT @RobertTalbert: First thing the 1yo did when I got home: I picked him up and he snuggled against my shoulder for 10min. #
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