- RT @armcomm: We barely have a functioning gov't in NY, but hey, let's ban salt in restaurant cooking: #albanymadness #
- RT @chadratliff: Jay Greene on national standards "nonsense" #edreform #edpolicy #education #
- RT @EdEquality: RT @ChildDefender: Broken Title I formula needs Congress’ action. #ESEA #edpolicy #edreform #
- RT @bigswifty: Partnership for Learning's #rttt guide. Says CO, DE, FL, LA, and TN have "best overall" apps. http://tinyurl.com/yddw4b9 #
- Off-ed: R.I.P. Merlin Olsen. Football star andan as known to Gen-Xrs, Father Murphy. http://on.cnn.com/aG38BE #
- RT @Edubeat: Day 2 of Better Enforcing Civil Rights Laws – Education Week: #edgap #RusslynnAli #edpolicy #
- The bailout came w/ARRA last year. RT @CharterInsights: http://ow.ly/1h8rW Robert Reich, good at spending other people's money. #edpolicy #
- RT @EdEquality: ConnCAN's weekly ed news roundup is out #edreform #edpolicy #
- Off-d: RT @dupeed: Pattinson? Really? Is that really how you're spelling your name? You couldn't go with Patterson or Pattison? #
- RT @ELWATERS: RT @readtoday: Vote for our innovations at the Education Portal you will help us #KeepOnBelieving #
- Detroit and Indianapolis will be next: KC to close 29 of 61 schools. #education #urbandistrictsintrouble #edreform #
- A bad month for NY #edreform RT @armcomm: NY AG Cuomo holding 3:45 presser today on NY Governor/State Police scandal. Stay tuned… #
- RT @EdPolicyatNAF: Ed Money Watch: The Status of #ARRA Education Funds #edpolicy #RttT #
- RT @charteralliance: Breaking News! In Me., a Charter School Bill may be Alive! #edreform #
- They don't care about change RT @CharterInsights: http://ow.ly/1hjNm union again fails to see… need for change. #NEA #TQ #
- Cuomo's conflicts forced recusal. RT @armcomm: RT @BreakingNews: N.Y. AG appoints independent counsel to investigate Gov. Paterson. #
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