- RT @ClaytonMuhammad: RT @BrandonFrame: @readtoday starting my mentoring program made me want to be a teacher. I saw the impact I had… #
- RT @ileducprof: RT @topshottah007: RT @BilalSankofa: #BlackEd "The education of any people begins with themselves."Carter G. Woodson #
- RT @nyedreform: Tom Carroll in Education Next on why six #RttT finalists (FL, TN, LA, CO, DE, GA) have the edge. #
- I'll skip 'em all. RT @dupeed: I think I'll avoid 3-D movies that weren't originally filmed that way. I'm looking at you Clash of the Titans #
- RT @myexpresslane: YES! RT @ileducprof We need to teach Black boys to play the system. #BlackEd #
- A note: Sadly, peace in the Middle East is merely a rap lyric. #
- RT @AmSpec: Saving Catholic Schools #edreform #edpolicy #SchoolChoice #
- RiShawn Biddle: Saving Catholic Schools (#edreform #SchoolChoice and charter schools) #JoeLierberman Baltimore #
- Tossing kids into #SpEd is so much easier for districts. RT @JoanneLeeJacobs: Special ed: Diagnoses vs. education #
- Why not simply forget about teaching. RT @Edubeat: No more letter grades in the fall for Ontario's elementary students: #
- RT @ELWATERS: #RttT Finalists Named — Did Your State Make The Cut? HuffPost – #edreform #
- RT @ClaytonMuhammad: RT @BrandonFrame: High Achievement only comes in the framework of High Expectations #BlackEd #
- RT @MarcSean86: Save the Date!: Write the Vision: Make It Clear community/#edreform event @ Teachers College, March 27 #
- @MarcSean86 Not really surprising to see Tea Party guy there. Many are as frustrated w/#edgap and public ed problems as others in #edreform in reply to MarcSean86 #
- RT @MBAENews: MA new #edreform law is put into action in Boston http://is.gd/9K6kL #
- RT @JoanneLeeJacobs: New blog post: Counselors get low marks #education #
- RT @bigswifty: Criticism of #rttt finalists deserved. But good stuff going on in places like Boston #edreform #
- RT @smarick: After lots of criticism, I give credit to MD's gov. for his unexpected support of scholarship tax credits #
- Do You Know Where They're Going To: Boys Off Track in Chicago Public Schools https://dropoutnation.net/nyi #edgap #gradrate #edreform #
- RT @urbanophile: Why do major dailies report BizWeek, etc. named their town #1 in something, but not link article? #newspaperdeathwatch #
- @urbanophile Incompetence. #newspaperdeathwatch in reply to urbanophile #
- Martin Haberman on hiring midcareer adults as teachers in urban schools #TQ #edgap #edreform #HumanCapital #
- Off-ed: RT @philipaklein: "There were 1.2 million discouraged workers in February, up by 473,000 from a year earlier." #
- On unemployment and #education Reporters should get out of classroom coverage and head to UE one-stop offices. A visit will capture the… #
- long-term consequences of low expectations, shoddy instruction, overuse of suspensions and low engagement of teachers/parents #edreform #
- The neglected students of yesterday are often the chronically unemployed of today. #edreform #edgap #
- BTW: Far too many ed reporters hang around classrooms, school board hearings. Far too few crunch numbers, trawl around unemployment lines… #
- You can't report the full picture if your line of sight is limited. #
- Today's mantra: RT @ClaytonMuhammad: THIS is YOUR time! CARPE DIEM! If not now, then when? If not you, then who? #
- My further thoughts on education news coverage (from January): #education #
- RT @philipaklein: Job market seems to be flattening. Layoffs tapering off, but when do businesses start hiring again and produce job growth? #
- If You Can't Beat 'Em: Why is the #NEA #AFT trying to organize charter school teaching staffs? http://bit.ly/bfhcHn #edreform #TQ #
- RT @RodelDE: DE Gov proclaims #edreform would be priority "Even if there was no #RttT competition" http://bit.ly/bDGH1U #edpolicy #
- RT @Eduflack: RT @njleftbehind Schundler on #RTTT # NJEA http://bit.ly/dl8oej #edreform #
- RT @mpgroome: I thought toddlers on planes were annoying but I had never sat next to teens making up songs about how much they love twilight #
- RT @charteralliance: Great article about how a DC Charter turns around one the nation's lowest performing public HS #
- RT @philipaklein: @daveweigel That's assuming that a "jobs bill" would actually produce jobs. #
- RT @DrStevePerry: If we educators want to remain relevant, the we need to embrace our usefulness. #
- RT @josephlawler: A race against the clock, it seems like RT @AmSpec: Saving Catholic Schools #edreform #
- @John_Bailey maybe it will be in "the cloud" but the idea of going back to timesharing and dumb terminals is remarkably bkwd in some ways in reply to John_Bailey #
- RT@ClaytonMuhammad @CoryBooker "Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them. #
- RT @EdEquality: RT @getschooled Only 10% of teachers view tenure as a useful indicator of teacher effectiveness #TQ #
- Quagmire Express RT @John_Bailey: Another reason why ESEA won't happen: Obama looking to give life to immigration reform http://ow.ly/1eHoc #
- @camsavage App was good, but it's likely that unlike other players, way too honest about capacity issues and how to solve them. in reply to camsavage #
- RT @tvanderark: if learning happens when/where/how motivation strikes, that changes everything #onlinelearning #edtech #
- RT @sgermeraad: "Forget that poor-kids-can't-learn nonsense. It wasn't true 100 yrs ago & it's not true now." http://bit.ly/aMZnLa #edreform #
- RT @ClaytonMuhammad: Ok. ANOTHER story of a successful young black male: Tavarrie Meeks – EAHS – http://tinyurl.com/ybpjn95 #BlackEd #
- RT @alexanderrusso: Quote: Amity Shlaes explains why #NEA other unions are subject of ire. #publicpensions #edreform http://bit.ly/9iXpDZ #
- RT @EdPolicyatNAF: Ed Money Watch: Friday News Roundup: Week of March 1-5 http://bit.ly/arOZvm #edpolicy #
- RT @parentrev: CNN on the Markham MS – http://bit.ly/9ikqHT. Seniority-based layoffs destroys opp. of low income students #edgap #TQ #
- RT @EdEquality: Boston Mayor Menino: On a personal journey to become a corageous ed reformer. http://bit.ly/9WpROA #charters #
- RT @EdEquality: Brand-new Ed Trust report: how to identify "stuck" schools & turn 'em around! #edreform #edgap #
- RT @THINK_together: CA officials expected to FINALLY post list of failing schools Mon. at 10 am via http://cde.ca.gov. #edreform #education #
- Thankfully, my fiancee got hers already. RT @1ryter: EXCELLENT! Filene's running of the brides sale! I can get my student her wedding dress! #
- No. RT @alexanderrusso: RT @irasocol: Can the 35 states not chosen as #RttT winners please now change their ed laws back? #edreform #
- RT @balmeras @VickiEhlers When you take a flower in your hand and really look at it, it's your world for the moment. ~G. O'Keeffe #
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