- Off-ed: RT @TPCarney: Cashing out of the Obama administration: A top aide to Tim Geithner has gone to K Street http://tinyurl.com/ykszrjc #
- RT @linkstoliteracy: RT @JensBookPage: Growing Bookworms Newsletter: March 2 #
- RT @nyedreform: NY's political class races to the bottom. For example, see NYT editorial on Paterson. http://nyti.ms/913n23 #edreform #
- @avalonsensei And I hope the district takes its time restaffing. Bring top teachers in; avoid hiring too fast and failing students. in reply to avalonsensei #
- Now, that said, the district doesn't get off the hook here. The school's failures evidence the abysmal approach the district (and its #
- Counterparts have taken to HR/human capital. If districts embraced testing/use of data/strong evaluations of teachers/admins, there would be #
- Fewer dropout factories and academic failure mills. #
- RT @JoanneLeeJacobs: New blog post: How to keep good teachers in teaching #
- RT @chadratliff: Just talking about this notion yesterday. @bjnichols: Instead of Try Harder….Try Different #edreform #
- @tvanderark on @DianeRav: "A Once Great American Scholar": He's being a little to kind. #edreform #edpolicy #
- @tvanderark on @DianeRav: "A Once Great American Scholar": He's being a little too kind. #edreform #edpolicy #
- RT @Eduflack: Poor grades for high school counselors — #highered #edgap #edreform #
- RT @smarick: NPR, NYT, AEI, WP…I want Ravitch's publicist: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/03/education/03ravitch.html?hp #
- @smarick Helps to be around a long time, plus take contrarian views (at expense of credibility) and live in the nation's media capital. in reply to smarick #
- RT @armcomm @WSJ: Breaking: Rep. Charles Rangel taking a "leave of absence" as Ways & Means chair. Video at #
- Speaking of Rangel: A 2008 report on old-school black leadership: #
- RT @MarcSean86: Will the President stand up to teachers unions? #edreform #edpolicy #
- Rare feat: H.S. dropout fixes life, becomes chancellor of Chicago college. #education #
- RT @EducationSector: Rep Miller's ed advisor Jamie Fasteau joins college/career ready panel 3/11 w/ @CollegeSummit #
- Lovely. Right. RT @michaelbirnbaum: In Ill., superintendents salaries are going up even while they cut the budgets #
- RT @CharterInsights: Report says most students think they don't get good info from guid. counselors. cCounselors say they are overworked. #
- Not shocking. Students interedted in attending HBCUs, for example, likely to get blank stares from counselors more interested in sending #
- Kids to the Ivy League schools. And that's just the kids ready to attend college. Just imagine the treatment for dropout candidates. #
- RT @armcomm: BREAKING: NY Freshman Congressman Eric Massa to announce NOT RUNNING for re-election. #Congress2010 #
- RT @EdEquality: CORRECTION Cynthia Gordy (@essenceonline) sits down w/ Duncan. http://bit.ly/cbAi8E #edreform #edgap #rttt #esea #nclb #
- RT @Eduflack: Are teachers driving the agenda in LAUSD? http://tinyurl.com/ykkpd59 #edreform #LAUnified #
- RT @arotherham: R.Saldin and I stick up for filibuster in the NY Daily News. The prob is our political culture…http://tinyurl.com/yfnlldv #
- RT @armcomm: NY is no longer the Empire State…it's the Jerry Springer state. Spitzer-Paterson-Massa. #Congress2010 #
- And not too soon: RT @mikedebonis: LL thinkpiece: The quiet demise of Marion Barry's politics http://bit.ly/9MjY50 #ChrisRocksLatestJoke #
- Another bites the dust – for now: RT @CharterInsights: http://ow.ly/1dSZ4 Teacher Unions kill West Virginia charter school hopes. #edreform #
- @mtoguchi12 1) time to go home and 2) get new computer. If employer supplied computer, then stick to 1. in reply to mtoguchi12 #
- RT @tomweber_mpr: Record enrollment at MN state colleges, universities | #highered #
- After collecting that HC/Pharma cash RT @philipaklein: Brave! @senatus: Bayh Endorses Public Financing For Campaigns http://bit.ly/9vbmUF #
- Or why Barry really got censured. RT @mikedebonis: RT @News8NewsTalk: Gray will decide on mayor's race "very soon." The vibe? Lean yes. #
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