- RT @John_Bailey: RttT: finalists announced 1130am, 3/4; ED call/ finalists,3/5; in person interviews 3/13; winners announced early April. #
- RT @urbanophile: Number of births in city of Detroit at half of level 17 years ago – http://is.gd/9wEbi Challenge for #DPS and city revival. #
- @ToughLoveforX Thank you for the compliment. in reply to ToughLoveforX #
- Of course #NEA #AFT annoyed. RT @smarick: Obama angers union officials with remarks in support of R.I. teacher firings: #
- Weingarten: Obama's views "don't reflect the reality on the ground." She's right. It's even worse: Most laggard teachers keep their jobs. #
- RT @Comm_College: SUNY CCs partnering w/K12 districts on Early College HS. (via @mccpresident ) #earlycollege #
- RT @mickeyrevenaugh: Sen. Lieberman to propose Jobs Bill amendment to preserve DC Opportunity Scholarship Program. #schoolchoice #edreform #
- RT @stevejmoore: [reading] @ScottElias: Ten Big Ideas Of School Leadership #edreform #schoolleadership #
- RT @sgermeraad: 17 states are setting #college grad goals, establishing common progress measures: http://www.completecollege.org/ #education #
- @DianeRav ignores economics? Of course she does, notes Paul Peterson: #edreform #
- RT @parentrev: LAT blasts #LAUnified school board and their "so-called reform" – #edreform #CharterSchools #
- RT @College_Success: American universities are accepting more minorities. Graduating them another matter #highered #
- RT @avalonsensei: Legendary teacher Jaime Escalante has cancer, family struggles to pay bills: He's a hero to East L.A. #
- RT @MarcSean86: #tfa Dennis Walcott: black male initiative introduced by Bloomberg–get Black men out of prison, into classroom #BlackMales #
- RT @parentrev: Justin Cohen: staff revamp may be necessary for some turnarounds, but MUCH more needed #edreform #LAUSD #
- @mikedebonis I've judged the whole book (and read it too). He can head into another book — that of history. And not too soon. in reply to mikedebonis #
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