Subscribe to the Dropout Nation Twitter feed for up-to-the-minute news and commentary. Check out what followers read yesterday:
- RT @HeatherVeinott: Kaus: Unions vs. Liberalism, Part XXIII; AFT’s LA local holds vigil against charters/#edreform #
- Sorry. But curling is as much a sport as beer pong. Which is to say, it is not a sport at all. #van2010 #
- @Andrew_Coulson /McCluskey elucidate view on Common Core: / #edreform #standingathwartlikebuckley #
- #UTLA view on charter schools: Corporates who want to end public education #headshaker #edreform #RandiWeingartensotherembarrassment #LAUSD #
- RT @jerridkruse: Teacher educators: if you’ve ever said do as I say not as I do, you are not doing your job. #TeacherQuality #LeadByExample #
- Teachers may say they feel powerless. But that’s because they made a deal with their union reps to exchange professionalism for money… #
- And like the bargaining between liberty and security, those who give up professionalism for bennies will achieve less than they realize. #
- The reality is that teachers are truly powerful, especially in the classroom, where they shape young minds through great instruction/content #
- and subject-matter competency. Embrace that power (and the responsibility that comes with it). #
- RT @zimteachnetwork: Let charter schools flourish: Stop pitting parents against each other. BY Joel Klein #edreform #
- NYC’s Independent Budget Office reviews financial support for charters vs. that for traditional schools #NYCDOE #edu #
- RT @gtoppo: Ahearn: Many charters “have successfully served students with disabilities just as many traditional…schools have done.” #ESEA #
- Rod Page: “we call for the African-American leadership to do more… Something else needs to happen (beyond what has been done).” #edgap #
- Hugh Price: Complains that Paige ignores the Urban League’s work in addressing #edgap “We attempted to talk to Vibe Magazine w/no success.” #
- Price: Notes that he offered to help the Bush and Obama administrations convene black leaders to work on the #edgap #edreform #
- James Forman: Argues that #edreform activists cannot juist focus on schools. Notes abuses in #juvenilejustice and police stops. #edgap #
- Forman: “We cannot fix [schools] w/o addressing the” other societal issues. #edgap #
- RT @nyedreform: UFT’s hypocrisy on special ed and ELL, via Daily News editorial #AFT #CharterSchools #RttT #
- @pierre @dangillmor and everyone else: America’ legislative process was deliberately designed by the Founding Fathers to be slow. Why? To… #
- @pierre @dangillmor: keep the passions of the people/interests groups from fast-tracking the nation into oblivion. Deal with it. #
- This message also goes for #NEA and every #edreform activist agitating for #NoChild ESEA reauthrization. That is all. #
- RT @nyedreform: SUNY and Regents need to adopt a more proactive charter-school closure policy, says FERA’s Tom Carroll #
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