Looking to get up-to-the-minute reports on education reform? Subscribe to Dropout Nation’s Twitter feed today. Check out yesterday’s top tweets:
- off-ed: RiShawn Biddle profiles EvanBayh and his problems as a centrist in “Goodbayh, Evan”: #NR #Indiana #
- A profile of Indiana’s role as harbinger of what incumbents face in 2010: “Election Boilermakers” #EvanBayh #AmSpec #
- Wow. RT @gtoppo @EdEquality @smarick: Nelson Smith steps down from @charteralliance http://tinyurl.com/ydk22jc #edreform #
- RT @Eduflack: @Ragtagduo R.I.’s Race to the Top Plan Tackles Teacher Assignment #edreform #RTTT #
- RT @michaelbirnbaum: How some teachers handled a snow week off: everybody’s telecommuting these days: #edtech
- RT @EdEquality: Check out Teached? Incredible documentary Click now! (@KellyAmis) #education #edreform #teacherquality #
- RT @EdPolicyatNAF: Ed Money Watch: The Challenges of Measuring Teacher Effectiveness #edreform #teacherquality #
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